On the ADA Restoration Act of 2007

Jump straight to blog entry listings for: March 2008; February 2008; January 2008; December 2007; November 2007; October 2007; September 2007; August 2007; July 26-31, 2007; Before July 26, 2007; Explanation of selection criteria

Last Updated March 20, 2008, 8:10 p.m. (EST)

Here are all the blog entries I have been able to find so far about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act of 2007 (HR 3195, S 1881), including some (but not all) of my own. Click on the title (presented in a different color) to see the referenced blog post.

In addition to the running catalog of blog entries, don’t miss these: One group of activists has posted a short list of simple ideas of things you can do. And do check out the ADA Restoration Blog. Or browse through more background information on the ADA Restoration Act. Or contact your legislators (just be sure to uncheck the box asking to be added to their action alert email list, unless you want to receive them). See some sample letters to legislators.

Have I missed YOUR blog or vlog post on the ADA Restoration Act? Please leave a comment with the full URL and I’ll link to you also.

List of Blog Entries On the ADA Restoration Act of 2007

March 2008; February 2008; January 2008; December 2007; November 2007; October 2007; September 2007; August 2007; July 26-31, 2007; Before July 26, 2007; Explanation of selection criteria; Top of page

Blog entries in March 2008
Tell SHRM It Can Have its Membership Back March 17 ’08, ADA Restoration blog. The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been actively working against the ADA Restoration Act. The ADA Restoration blog urges readers to take action by writing letters of complaint to the SHRM. Also, if your own employer is a member of SHRM, encourage them to withdraw in protest of SHRM’s stance. The Epilepsy Foundation has already withdrawn its membership in SHRM and other disability organizations are planning to follow suit.

SHRM Conference and Another ADA Restoration Perspective March 17 ’08, Day in Washington. This podcast covers the Employment Law and Legislative Conference, held by the Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM). The SHRM has come out against the ADA Restoration Act and discussed the act at their conference. Day in Washington asks whether there is some middle ground between the SHRM stance and that of the disability community. Those who cannot or do not wish to hear the podcast can read the full transcript by scrolling down the screen at Day in Washington. Worth checking out.

March 10 ’08, the Autistic Bitch from Hell quotes excerpts from a petition written by group of students with disabilities who are actively supporting the Barack Obama candidacy and links to the petition itself.

McCain on the ADA Restoration Act March 6 ’08 at The Word on Employment Law. Summarizes what is known or speculated about Senator McCain’s position on the ADA Restoration Act and disability issues.

Obama on the ADA Restoration Act March 6 ’08 at The Word on Employment Law. Summarizes Barack Obama’s position on the ADA Restoration Act and closely related issues.

Hillary on the ADA Restoration Act March 5 ’08 at The Word on Employment Law. Summarizes the Restoration Act and states Clinton’s position on it.

Blog entries in February 2008
ADA Restoration Act FAQ Part 1 of 9: What is the problem with the coverage of people with disabilities under the current ADA that needs to be fixed? Feb 29 ’08 at ReunifyGally. The first of what will be nine items in a FAQ on the ADA Restoration Act developed by the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Rights Task Force.

Disability rights advocate Bender speaks up for passage of ADA Restoration Act Feb 21 ’08, Access Ability. Calls attention to an article by Joyce Bender, entitled The Waiting Game Must End for People with Disabilities. Once upon a time, in Martin Luther King’s era, black people were told to “wait” for equality. Bender explains why disabled people shouldn’t be expected to wait either.

NCD Responds to ADA Restoration Critics Feb 15 ’08, JFA Activist: an important read for anyone who has been angered or concerned about recent opposition to the ADA Restoration Act. The National Council on Disability prepared this fact sheet in response to inaccuracies and distortions about the ADA Restoration Act that has been perpetuated by some of its opponents.

Day in Washington Podcast #19 (January House ADA Restoration Hearing) Feb 18 ’08, Day in Washington posts a podcast about the January 29 ’08 House hearing on the ADA Restoration Act. Worth checking for the quotes from, and commentaries on, the witness testimonies. Follow the link to listen to the podcast, or they also have the full transcript toward the bottom of their page.

Elected Representatives Respond re ADA Restoration Act Feb 13 ’08, Crip Chronicles wrote to hir/his/her legislators urging their support for the ADA Restoration Act and all of them responded–see the summary of their reactions.

ADA: One Blogger asked me a question Feb 12 ’08, Jim’s DEEP Thoughts wonders how we can avoid non-disabled workers trying to abuse the ADA.

ADA Restoration Act: The Fix Needs Fixing Feb 12 ’08, Workers Comp Insider: this author agrees that courts have damaged the Americans with Disabilities Act as it was originally intended, but thinks that the ADA Restoration Act meant to fix it is itself in need of fixing.

Unfair Precedent Ties Hands of Sympathetic Court: Why McMullin’s Case Highlights Need for ADA Restoration Act Feb 11 ’08, ReunifyGally. This blog post explains why even courts that are sympathetic to Deaf and disability rights may still rule against employees with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act–even if they agree that they have experienced discrimination.

Economy Not the Only Thing in Trouble. ADA Restoration Act is Too. Feb 9 ’08. Thank you to Jamie Berke at deafness.About.com for linking here to my earlier post, Heritage Foundation, Others Oppose ADA Restoration Act.

Feb 9 ’08. Thank you to the author of Growing Up with a Disability for linking here to my earlier post, ADA Authors Rebut Critics of ADA Restoration.

Jewish Disability Network Advocates for ADA Restoration Feb 8 ’08, ADA Restoration blog. Reports that members of the Jewish Disability Network have met with congress to advocate for the ADA Restoration Act. Read their press release.

Representative Holt E-Newsletter Article About ADA Feb 8 ’08, ADA Restoration blog. Reports that Representative Rush Holt, an original co-sponsor of the ADA Restoration Act, has now written about the legislation in his recent e-newsletter.

ADA Authors Rebut Critics of ADA Restoration Feb 7 ’08, ReunifyGally. A number of opponents have stepped forward to actively fight against the ADA Restoration Act, most prominently the US Chamber of Commerce and the Heritage Foundation. Two of the original authors of the Americans with Disabilities Act write a letter that explains why they felt there was an urgent need for the Restoration Act and rebuts arguments from the US Chamber of Commerce. (Their letter was written before the Heritage Foundation got involved.)

Disability Rights and Presidental Candidates Feb 7 ’08, Wilbrod the Gnome. Worth reading for anyone who wants to understand where the presidential candidates stand on disability rights, particularly Obama and Clinton, but also with a mention of McCain at the end.

Presidential Candidates on Deaf and Disability Rights Feb 7 ’07, ReunifyGally. Where you can find information on where the front-running presidential candidates stand on deaf and disability rights, including the ADA Restoration Act and also the international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Following the ADA Cheaper than Employers Think Feb 6 ’07, ReunifyGally. The “reasonable accommodations” that employers must give to disabled employees are often much cheaper than employers initially assume.

ADA Restoration Act: What’s the Fuss Feb 6 ’08, Wilbrod the Gnome. If you’re looking for short, move on. But if you’re looking for a thougthful defense of the Restoration Act, along with a quote from Sen. Tom Harkins, some personal stories by the blogger (who is deaf), and speculation on why employers discriminate … then follow the link.

Companies would not have to worry about ADA Restoration If Feb 6 ’08, Jim’s DEEP Thoughts. Links to information about ADA court cases that help highlight the need for the Restoration Act. Some already have been featured here at ReunifyGally, but the stories he links to provides detail not available here (and vice versa), and there are also some additional stories not featured here yet. Worth checking out.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 (HR 3195) Feb 6 ’08, Jim’s DEEP Thoughts. Links to the full text of the Restoration Act; to information about the Act; to statements of support for the Act; and to information about organizations that oppose it. It’s worth checking these links out.

Restore Employment and Education Rights for Adults and Children with ADHD Feb 5 ’08, Your ADD/ADHD News. Urges adults with attention deficit disorder, and parents of children with ADHD, to support the ADA Restoration Act. This post makes it sound like the Restoration Act will affect people in both employment and also in educational settings. In actual practice, the Restoration Act is far more likely to make a difference in defending against discrimination in employment. Most court interpretations undermining the original ADA have attacked cases relating to Title I (employment); Title III (public accommodations) have not been damaged in this fashion. But this post does link to further information about both the ADA and the Restoration Act and also links to tools you can use to help you take action.

Barack Obama’s Disability Rights Plan Feb 4 ’08. Livejournal blogger posts the full text of Obama’s 9-page Disability Rights Plan. Among other things, he supports ADA Restoration. (I would also be interested in linking to the full texts of any equivalent plans from any of the other presidential candidates. If anyone reading this knows of anything, please either post a comment below or email me at ashettle [at] patriot.net.)

Congress and the Disabled–More Harm than Help Feb 2 ’08, Rambling of Disabled Housewife. More blogging opposed to the Restoration Act, once again based more on hysteria and alarmism than on an accurate understanding of the legislation. (The common tactic used is to try to claim that the Restoration Act would allow millions of Americans to start abusing the ADA by demanding outrageous and blatantly unreasonable “accommodations” for the flu, or a sprained ankle. Read the letter from representatives Hoyer and Sensenbrenner for rebuttal.

ADA Restoration Action Center Feb 2 ’08, Cappaca Resource blog. Links to the petition from the Road to Freedom supporting the ADA Restoration Act. (If you use the petition, be sure to cut it down — personally I think it’s too long; and also be sure to rewrite as much as possible into your own words because legislators will take you more seriously if you do.) Also encourages people to share your own stories about how the ADA has worked for you, or how it has failed you.

New Senate Co-Sponsor Feb 1 ’08. The ADA Restoration blog reports that, at last!, we can count up to three Senate co-sponsors for the Restoration Act: the newest co-sponsor is Ted Stevens, a Republican from Alaska. (Tell THAT to anyone who tries to claim that “only a democrat” would support the Restoration Act.)

Today, we turn our attention to discrimination based on disability Feb 1 ’08, Unbossed quotes from some of the testimony the Jan 29 full committee House hearing on the ADA Restoration Act and links to a web page where you can find all the witness testimonies.

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Blog entries in January 2008
Tell Your Representatives to Support the ADA Restoration Act Jan 31 ’08, Crip Chronicles. Presents a letter from the Association on Higher Education and Disability supporting the Restoration Act, with quotes from the recent House testimony on the legislation. Links to further information on the bill and to a web page that can help you contact your legislators. Worth reading.

Not Everybody is Working for the Passage of the ADA Restoration Act Jan 31 ’08, blogger Ron Graham at Access Ability reminds readers that, even though most Americans with disabilities see the ADA Restoration Act as “obviously” correct, many others are working hard against it. He summarizes and links to some of the key opposition. All the more reason why supporters of the Restoration Act should write to your senators!

ADA Restoration Act making way through congress Jan 31 ’08, Greg links to a story about an electrician who was fired after his employer discovered he had a disability even though he had already been successfully performing at his job for 20 years. (Another story about the same man was also posted here.) Makes the case for why we should support the Restoration Act. Encourages other workers with disabilities to consider starting their own companies as an alternate path to employment.

ADA Restoration Act The HR Cafe, Jan 31 ’08. Links to the Heritage Foundation letter opposing the ADA Restoration, and links to a letter from the ACLU supporting the Restoration, then opens up discussion for Human Resources personnel at various companies.

Hurting by Helping: The Law of Unintended Consequences Jan 30 ’08, Jottings by an Employer’s Lawyer. This one argues that the ADA Restoration Act could end up hurting Americans with disabilities more than it helps. But there is an interesting rebuttal in the comments. If anyone reading this has further rebuttals, please send them to me and I’d be happy to post them at ReunifyGally.

Americans with Disabilities Restoration 30 Jan ’08, Ohio Employer’s Law Blog; This blog post presents arguments AGAINST the Restoration Act. Most other writers opposed to the law tend to present arguments that are very poorly informed or else rooted in exagerated assumptions. This argument is better thought-out than most opposition that I have seen so far. Of course, one would expect that an EMPLOYER’S blog would tend to end up against the Restoration Act, in about the same way one would expect most disabled people, like me, to respectfully disagree. If anyone reading this has a good rebuttal for them, I’d be interested in posting it here at ReunifyGally: please contact me at ashettle [at] patriot.net.

Witnesses Call on House Labor Committee to Pass ADA Restoration Act Jan 30 ’08, the Road to Freedom blog reports on the recent Jan 29 hearing held by the Education and Labor Committee in the House of Representatives. Also has links to further information about the Road to Freedom road trip across the country bringing information about the ADA and the Restoration Act to local communities across the United States.

ADA Restoration Hearing in House Ed & Labor — Who Showed Up and What Went Down Jan 29 ’08, the Justice For All blog reports on what happened at the Jan 29 ’08 House Hearing, with a list of all the representatives who showed up (both Democrats and Republicans were represented) and a summary of the testimony. WELL WORTH READING. This could also be a good reference to use when discussing the ADA Restoration Act with anyone who opposes it because it helps correct some common misunderstandings.

Action Center Jan 29 ’08, the American Diabetes Association urges people to contact their legislators to ask them to support the ADA Restoration Act.

The ADA Restoration Act: What We All Need to Know Jan 29 ’08, Planet for the Blind reports on some of the fierce opposition against the ADA Restoration Act and provides an accurate, good quality summary from Scott Lissner of the ADA Restoration Act and its probable effects. The full text of the ADA Restoration Act is also presented here.

Important Diabetes Legislation Jan 29 ’08; DiabetesAuthor points out that court mis-interpretations of the Americans with Disabilities Act have been particularly harmful to people with diabetes and urges readers to contact their legislators.

Debate Over Bill Broadening ADA Coverage Jan 29 ’08, Lawyers USA points to arguments on both sides of the ADA Restoration Act. However, although everyone will be able to follow links to articles arguing against the Restoration Act (or read a summation of their main points on this page), only subscribers to Lawyers USA will be able to access articles presenting pro-ADA Restoration arguments (with no summation here). I think the authors of this blog site were genuinely trying to be balanced, but the resulting effect has sadly fallen short.

Kline Lacks Support for Disabled Jan 29 ’08; the “Dump John Kline” blog argues that Kline “turns his back on our veterans with disabilities” by failing to support the ADA Restoration Act. Urges readers to contact Kline. Links to information about the Jan 29 ’08 House hearings on the ADA Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act: Undermining the Employee-Employer Relationship Jan 28 ’08, Heritage Foundation. In case you were complacently assuming that everyone supports the ADA Restoration Act (after all, most people with disabilities do), here is a long editorial lambasting the legislation. Unfortunately it is based in part on a distorted understanding of the actual original intent of both the Americans with Disabilities Act and the ADA Restoration Act itself. ANY KNOWLEDEGABLE INDIVIDUALS ABLE TO WRITE A THOUGHTFUL REBUTTAL is urged to please submit your essays to me at ashettle [at] patriot.net and I would be delighted to publish it here at ReunifyGally.

Does the ADA Need Restoration? Jan 28 ’08; George’s Employment Blawg also takes a position against the ADA Restoration Act. PLEASE SUBMIT THOUGHTFUL, WELL-INFORMED REBUTTALS to me at ashettle [at] patriot.net and I would be delighted to publish it at ReunifyGally.

ADA in Balance: New Legislation Jan 26 ’08, FridaWrites points out that even non-disabled people should care about the ADA Restoration Act because anyone could become disabled at any time; links to information on the Restoration Act and how you can take action (most of which have also been featured here at ReunifyGally).

We’re So Close Now: Critical Days for ADA Jan 25 ’08, the ADA Restoration blog has an ACTION ALERT! for how YOU can help get the ADA Restoration Act passed. Even if you’ve already written to your representatives and senators, it can be worth writing them again.

MLK Road to Freedom and the ADA Restoration Act Jan 24 ’08, UCC Disabilities Ministries acknowledges Martin Luther King Day with a photo gallery of the recently completed Road to Freedom tour in which a group of advocates criss-crossed the country to hold local outreach events educating the public about the ADA Restoration Act.

Another Story Illustrating Why We Need the ADA Restoration Act Jan 24 ’08, Growing up with a Disability shares two recent stories of discrimination (one toward a deaf woman who tried to order food from a drive-through window, another toward a woman unable to use her hands who was refused service because she tried to give her credit card with her foot).

Action Alert on ADA Hearing Jan 23 ’08, the RT blog lists all the members of the House Committee of Education and Labor, complete with their phone numbers. Check the list for YOUR representatives, call up their office, and say you would like to encourage them to please attend the upcoming hearing on the ADA Restoration Act scheduled for January 29 ’08.

January co-sponsors Jan 23 ’08, the ADA Restoration blog reports that two members of the House have now added their names as co-sponsors for the ADA Restoration Act, bringing the total up to 243.

House Ed Labor Hearing Details Jan 23 ’08, the ADA Restoration blog gives more detail on the upcoming House hearing on the ADA Restoration Act, to be held on Jan 29.

Unintended Consequences Jan 20 ’08, A disturbing article in the New York Times asks whether the Americans with Disabilities Act might have backfired by actually giving some employers and other individuals MORE incentive, not less, to discriminate.

Upcoming Hearings in House Jan 19 ’08, the Entrophy Fighter reminds readers of the upcoming hearing on the ADA Restoration Act and encourages people (meaning YOU!) to contact your representatives to encourage them to attend.

Hearing Rescheduled Jan 18 ’08, the ADA Restoration blog announces that the hearing on the ADA Restoration Act in the House Committee on Education and Labor has now been rescheduled to January 29, 2008. Do contact committee members to encourage them to attend (follow the link to learn how).

A Hearing Woman a Deaf Story: Why We Need the ADA Restoration Act Jan 10 ’08, ReunifyGally. This court case involves a hearing woman who experienced discrimination because she has epilepsy. But the type of discrimination she faced has also been faced by deaf people; this post explains the parrallels and shares the story so you can decide for yourself.

Update: Hearing Postponement January 10 ’08, the ADA Restoration blog announces that the hearing in the House Committee on Education and Labor on the ADA Restoration Act has been postponed–but will be rescheduled for sometime later in January. Meanwhile, the ADA Restoration blog still encourages readers to contact members of the House Committee to urge them to attend the hearing when it does occur. Follow the link for more details on how to contact members and how to stay informed of the latest news related to the ADA Restoration Act.

House Hearing Scheduled for Next Wednesday! Jan 9 ’08; the ADA Restoration blog reports that the Education and Labor Committee in the House of Representatives will be holding a hearing on the ADA Restoration Act next Wednesday, January 16, 2008. Readers are encouraged to do two things: 1. If you can, please do attend the hearing to show your support; 2. Please contact members of the Education and Labor Committee to encourage them to attend.

ADA Restoration Jan 7 ’08. Dogs, too, now support the ADA Restoration Act! Yes, really! Ida, a black German Shepard dog, plans to provide some links to information on the Restoration Act. Possibly the dog may be receiving some minor assistance from her caretaker, who has been disabled all her life. But who cares? It’s a dog! Blogging on the web! 🙂

Grassroots Hard at Work on ADA Restoration Jan 7 ’08; the ADA Restoration blog reports that the Freedom Center for Independent Living has held gatherings in three cities in North Dakota and Minnesota to tell people about the ADA Restoration Act and to encourage them to write letters of support to their Senators. As a result, about 80 to 100 people have written letters. Also, several area newspapers published a letter to the editor on the topic.

Congress Fast Trakcs Dramatic Expansion of ADA Jan 3 ’08; angiestrunkspeaks summarizes some of the arguments that have been put forth by both supporters and opponents of the ADA Restoration Act.

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Blog entries in December 2007
The Argument Against Lifeboats Dec 30 ’07, at Planet of the Blind. What do lifeboats have to do with people with disabilities and the ADA Restoration Act? Read and find out—an interesting essay worth checking out.

Why Everybody Loses Without the ADA Restoration Act Dec 29 ’07 at ReunifyGally. Whether or not you have disabilities, the ADA Restoration Act could have an impact on YOUR life. This story about a nurse who was robbed of her day in court helps highlight why.

ADA Restoration ActDec 29 ’07; this new blogger on service dogs encourages readers to find out who their congressional representatives are and ask them to support the ADA Restoration Act. The author said he/she was going to look up if there’s an easy tool for identifying who your legislators are. There is; and the same tool will also make it easy for you to contact your legislators on this issue as well: go to http://www.theunderrepresented.com/blogger/2007/08/us-chamber-of-commerce-supports.html and follow the instructions there.

Watching the Clouds with Charlie and Lucy Dec 27 ’07, Planet of the Blind. This blogger talks about the mixed success and failure of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and analyzes the current political picture for the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 in relation to how many presidential candidates have bothered to pay attention to the issue, and in relation to what the ones who are paying attention do say about it. Worth reading for a better understanding of both the promise and the challenge still up ahead for advocates of the Restoration Act.

New Opponents to ADA Restoration Means Stepped up Fight in New Year Dec 19 ’07; the ADA Restoration blog reports that the US Chamber of Commerce, along with many new supporters, have been stepping up their opposition to the ADA Restoration Act. The fight to protect the ADA will resume with fervor in the New Year. Meanwhile, those of you with a few minutes free time on your hands can make good use of the Congressional recess. Follow the link for suggestions for how ordinary people like YOU can help. (The only qualification you need to get involved is that you have an opinion.)

Governor Richardson Answers Candidate Questions! Dec 12 ’07, The Grapevine Revisited. If you scroll all the way down this transcript of answers from presidential candidate Governor Bill Richardson, you’ll see that he gives brief responses on the ADA Restoration Act. (See Questions 10 b. and c. near the bottom.) Specifically, he says “The ADA has been seriously weakened by Supreme Court decisions. I promise to support the ADA Restoration Act to ensure the civil rights of all people with disabilities.” And in response to the question, “What steps will you take to protect the diminishment of the civil rights protections under the ADA?”, he says, “Appointing the appropriate Supreme Court Justices will be an important step in the right direction. People with disabilities are entitled to the same civil rights as all Americans. I strongly support the civil rights of people with disabilities, not only because it’s the right thing to do but because it’s the only thing to do.” Also see his response in 11 a. (very bottom of the page) in which he supports US ratification of the international disability rights treaty (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities).

Tuesday Quick Hits Hot Policy Topics The Arc of North Carolina Policy Blog, Dec 11 ’07. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see a brief update on the situation with the ADA Restoration Act.

Day in Washington Podcast #14c: ADA Restoration Act Dec 10 ’07, Day in Washington posts a podcast that summarizes what the opposition has been saying against the ADA Restoration Act. If you’re hearing, you can link to the audio podcast. Or, if you scroll down the page, you’ll see the full transcript for this podcast.

Is GOP Ignoring People with Disabilities Dec 5 ’07, Ron Graham, a conservative Republican at Access Ability wonders if the GOP party is ignoring people with disabilities. He links to some articles that he thinks are well-worth reading–and so do I. The articles he links to basically say that Republican candidates tend to ignore disability related questions, even ones that are considered pretty central for many disabled Americans. READ THIS POST, and do follow his suggested links.

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Blog entries in November 2007
How A Bill Really Becomes A Law Nov 28 ’07, United Spinal Association. Well worth reading for anyone who wants a refresher on how a bill becomes a law. Explains exactly why the involvement of ordinary citizens (like YOU) is so important to making laws happen. This post uses the ADA Restoration Act to help illustrate their points.

ADA Restoration Act Nov 23 ’07 at KatrinaDisability; explains how the courts have misinterpreted the Americans with Disabilities Act of 2007 in a way that harms disabled Americans and how the ADA Restoration Act is meant to help fix this damage.

Another Sample Letter to Senators on ADA Restoration Act Nov 21 ’07, ReunifyGally. Another sample of a letter I have written to my senators about the ADA Restoration Act.

Will the Americans with Disabilities Act be Amended Nov 21 ’07, Connecticut Employment Law Blog. This blog seems to have sympathetic leanings toward business owners who oppose the Restoration Act. But it does give a credible summary of activities to date on the legislation, including some links to coverage elsewhere.

Day in Washington Podcast #14(b) – Senate ADA Restoration Hearing Nov 20 ’07, Day in Washington. Follow the link for a podcast covering the Nov 15 Senate hearing on the ADA Restoration Act. You can either listen to the podcast or scroll down to the bottom of the page at Day in Washington to read the transcript. You will also see links here to older podcasts on the ADA Restoration Act; Day in Washington generally provides transcripts for these podcasts in the comments area so deaf people (or people with central auditory processing disorders, etc.) can simply scroll down the page to see them.

ADA Restoration Moving Forward Nov 20 ’07, the Disability Nation offers a summary of the Nov 15 senate hearing and an “audio magazine” broadcast on the hearing. For deaf people and other individuals who were wondering: yes, transcripts of the broadcast are available in both PDF and Word format.

Support from Broader Civil Rights Community Nov 20 ’07, ADA Restoration blog. It’s not just the disability community advocating for the ADA Restoration Act any more. The Americans for Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR–this link leads to a PDF file) have now both urged Senators to support the legislation.

Your Help is Needed to Restore the ADA Nov 19 ’07, the Atlanta Alliance on Developmental Disabilities summarizes the Nov 15 Senate hearing on the ADA Restoration Act and urgers readers to contact their senators.

Urge your senators to sign on to the ADA Restoration Act Now Nov 18 ’07, the UnderRepresented urges readers to ask their senators to support the ADA Restoration Act and links to several websites where you can find more information. This web site has what is so far the best tool I have seen for helping ordinary citizens like YOU write an email to your senator. You don’t need to know your senators’ names–you only need to know your zip code and state. The tool at the UnderRepresented site will then look up your two senators for you. Then it gives you a form letter that you can re-write into YOUR OWN WORDS. (Letters written in YOUR words are FAR more influential on politicans than form letters.)

ADA Restoration Act in Senate Nov 18 ’07, the Entrophy Fighter urges readers to ask their Senators to co-sponsor the ADA Restoration Act. Follow the link to read their arguments–and to see further links to web sites (including ReunifyGally) that can help you learn more about the legislation.

ADA on Alert Nov 17 ’07, Down the MS Path. On why readers should support the ADA Restoration Act. Urges people to call their legislators to support HR 3195 (for congressional represenatives) or S. 1881 (for Senators).

Not Sick Enough: How a Bizarre Catch 22 Has Gutted Disability Protection in America Nov 16 ’07. Yet another post analyzing the irony of the Stephen Orr case–the pharmacist with diabetes who needed only a simple accommodation (a scheduled half-hour break for lunch each day) to maintain his health and serve his customers well, but was fired for having diabetes.

Summary of ADA Restoration Act Senate Hearing Nov 16 ’07, Workplace Horizons. Another summary of what happened at the Nov 15 Senate hearing on the ADA Restoration Act, with links to written testimony from people who spoke at the hearing. Some of the witnesses spoke for the Restoration Act, some against it.

Restoring the rights of Americans with Disabilities Nov 16 ’07, Easter Seals and Autism. Follow the link to read a first-hand, eye-witness account of what happened at the Senate hearings on Nov 15.

Americans Diabetic Association Calls for End to Worker Discrimination Nov 16 ’07, Fox 26 in Alexandria Virginia reports on yet another reiteration from American Diabetic Association of their support for the ADA Restoration Act. A diabetic man testified at the Nov 15 Senate hearing.

ACLU Commends Senate Committee for Support of ADA Restoration Act Nov 15 ’07, the American Civil Liberties Union commends the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee for holding a hearing on the ADA Restoration Act to examine the shortfall of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the importance of the Restoration Act.

Your Help is Needed Nov 15 ’07, the Northeast Pennsylvania Center for Independent Living urges readers to ask their senators to support the ADA Restoration Act and advises how. The emphasize the need for bipartisan support–meaning, it is important to recruit not only democrat but also republication senators.

Ada Hearing in Senate: What Went Down Nov 15 ’07, ADA Restoration blog; as the title says: a summary of the recent hearing on the ADA Restoration Act in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Unfortunately, only two senators attended–but the ADA Restoration blog argues that the hearings nevertheless delivered strong arguments into the congressional records to support the need for the Restoration act.

Latest News About ADA Restoration Act Nov 14 ’07, Ron Graham at Access Ability notes the two most pressing news: one, the senate is holding its first hearing on the ADA Restoration Act on Nov. 15 ’07; two, the Road to Freedom bus tour is returning home to Washington, DC.

Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the ADA Restoration Act Nov 14 ’07, amyb0223 urges readers to contact their senators NOW to ask them to support the ADA Restoration Act.

URGENT: ACTION ALERT–Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor ADA Legislation Nov 13 ’07, ADA Restoration blog. Up until now, the bulk of ADA Restoration advocacy activity has focused on the House of congressional represenatives. It’s still worth writing to your congressional representatives (if you haven’t already)–but now attention is shifting toward recruiting support for the legislation in the Senate. Follow the link to see the details–including the hearing on November 15, and a suggested script to follow for voters who call their Senators.

Hearing Scheduled in Senate HELP Nov 13 ’07, the ADA Restoration blog notes that the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is holding the first senate hearing on the ADA Restoration on November 15 at 2 p.m. and urges readers to attend if they are available.

Tuesday Quick Hits Hot Topics in Policy Nov 13 ’07, the Arc of North Carolina policy blog briefly touches upon the latest activities with the ADA Restoration Act, including the Nov. 15 Senate hearing, in its latest round-up of policy briefs.

Activists fight to rewrite disabilities act Nov 9 ’07, Diabetes Dilemma summarizes the conterversy over the ADA Restoration Act from both sides (though–understandably, given the source–with a more sympathetic tone toward Restoration Act supporters).

AEIS Day 2 Opening Session Nov 9 ’07. This post seems to be written primarily with employers in mind, and is geared more toward how employers can protect themselves from law suits than it is toward how employers can painlessly accommodate the needs of disabled workers–and reap the benefits of their hard work, loyalty, and low-turnover rates. Follow the link and leave your thoughts in the comments area there.

The Americans with Disabilities Act Nov 7 ’07 The Issue links to four articles giving the pro- and con- arguments for and against the ADA Restoration Act. One of these is my own August 4 blog post–the first one I wrote on the ADA Restoration Act.

Tennessee on the Road for the ADA Nov 6 ’07. The Freedom Bus has been touring across the nation to educate the ordinary person in the street about the ADA Restoration Act and why it matters to them with an exhibit, speeches, and local events. This stop: Nashville, Tennessee.

NH for Hillary Announces the Endorsement of Prominent Granite State Disability Advocates Nov 6 ’07, NH Insider; 26 local disability advocates in New Hampshire endorse Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for the president because of her strong support for disability rights, including the ADA Restoration Act.

3 more on Halloween Nov 5 ’07, the ADA Restoration blog reports that there are three new co-sponsors in the House for the ADA Restoration Act, bringing the total to 235.

Protecting our rights” Nov 4 ’07, Danieldoo urges readers with “invisible” disabilities and health conditions (diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, etc.) to pay attention to the ADA Restoration Act–and fight for it.

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Blog entries in October 2007
Catching up: Road to freedom tour stops in Rochester Oct 31 ’07, the Roving Activist’s Blog presents this belated write-up of the ADA Road to Freedom tour’s September 4 stop in Rochester, New York. In a word, “Awesome”–but follow the link for a summary of the highlights.

ADA in Struggle, Oct 30 ’07, deaf cartoonist Dan McClintock presents us with a visual depiction of the ADA struggling for survival.

I done tol’ you so, by Andrea’s Buzzing About, Oct 29 ’07. This post summarizes two court cases that help illustrate why we need the ADA Restoration Act. Andrea also shares her experience in trying to express her views to her congressional representative about the ADA Restoration Act.

Doing Good Work? You’re Fired! Oct 28 ’07, ReunifyGally. A story about an electrician who was fired after his employer’s doctor discovered he had muscular dystrophy–even though he had already been doing the same job for 20 years with an excellent performance record. Yet, when he tried to take his case to court, it was tossed out on the grounds that he had accommodated his very real mobility limitations so well that he was considered “not disabled enough” to be protected by the ADA.

Freedom Bus Tries to Crash through the Barriers in TN this week, Oct 28 ’07, Public News Service reports on the Freedom Bus and its visit to Memphis Tennessee to help raise awareness of the ADA Restoration Act.

Day in Washington Podcast #11 – ADA Restoration Act, Oct 28 ’07 Day in Washington posts both an audio file and a full transcript of their Oct 8 podcast reporting on the Oct 4 congressional hearing on the ADA Restoration Act. (To see the transcript, scroll down to the comments area.) This post also includes links to a range of resources that may be helpful for people who want to learn more about the ADA Restoration Act.

Everybody Counts on the Road to Freedom, Oct 26 ’07; the Road to Freedom Bus has made 65 stops in 44 states to raise awareness of the ADA Restoration Act—the latest in northwest Indiana.

Sample letter to senators on ADA Restoration Act S. 1881 Oct 25 ’07, ReunifyGally. A sample of one of the letters I have written to my senators asking them to co-sponsor the ADA Restoration Act.

Blogging the ADA Restoration Act–with Passion Oct 25 ’07, ReunifyGally. Another appeal to Deaf bloggers/vloggers to blog or vlog the ADA Restoration Act — this time with links to other blog posts that might help serve as inspiration.

Contacting your senators why to avoid MS Society’s Tool Oct 25 ’07, ReunifyGally. The MS Society has a tool that can help you contact your senators to ask for their support for the ADA Restoration Act. Unfortunately it isn’t very good: I presonally recommend the tool at UnderRepresented as the best I’ve seen.

The ADA Restoration Act of 2007 Ian Johnson’s Neurodiversity blog Oct 24 ’07. Ian Johnson offers one of the more thoughtful, analytical, yet passionate blog posts I have seen on just where the courts have gone wrong in interpreting the ADA. I recommend reading this one, even if you already know the basics.

Equal Protection Oct 23 ’07, Mark, a guest blogger at BBC Ouch!, has some interesting comments about how society only understands disability if they are sufficiently “freakish” or visible. If one’s disability is not visible then people won’t believe it’s there, even if its impact on one’s life is just as significant. Perhaps that’s part of why we are now in the middle of fighting for the ADA Restoration Act.

Most Recent House Co-Sponsors Oct 23 ’07, the ADA Restoration blog announces that we now have 232 co-sponsors for the house version of the ADA Restoration Act (HR 3195), and lists the most recent co-sponsors to sign on.

NPR Features ADA Restoration Story Oct 23 ’07, the ADA Restoration blog tells us that National Public Radio has done a story on the ADA Restoration Act. They link to the audio file so hearing people can listen to the broadcast; for deaf people, there is also a link to the accompanying print story. They also link to testimony from Stephen Orr, a man with diabetes who testified before Congress in early October about his experience with discrimination.

New Movie Reminds us to be activists Oct 22 ’07, “I’m an MS Activist” uses a recent movie about a disabled veteran activist to frame her argument for the ADA Restoration Act. She links to an on-line mailer that you can use to contact your senator–but, personally, I would suggest that a better tool is the one at UnderRepresented.

Spinal Association
Oct 21 ’07, Sharon’s Information blog passes along an action alert from the United Spinal Association, explains why the issue is important, and how to get involved. Personally, I would suggest that anyone who needs to consult the list of co-sponsors should check the ADA Restoration blog (see right hand navigation bar. And if you plan to contact your legislators, then I prefer the tool at UnderRepresented rather than the United Spinal Association tool.

Freedom Bus in Amherst, Massachusetts Oct 19 ’07, the Road to Freedom blog breaks their long pause to report on the Freedom Bus tour’s latest stop. The Freedom Bus has been touring the country to raise awareness about the ADA Restoration Act.

Letter Asking for Support of the ADA Restoration Act Oct 18 ’07, An Unknown View. This blogger shares (his?/her?) letter to legislators asking for their support for the ADA Restoration Act.

Recent Press on ADA Restoration Oct 17 ’07, ADA Restoration blog. As the title says: links to a couple of recent news articles and a couple of letters to the editor regarding the ADA Restoration Act.

Support ADA Restoration Act HR 3195 S 1881 Oct 18 ’07, An Unknown View. Urges readers to take action to support the ADA Restoration Act.

It’s October so get to raising awareness Oct 16 ’07, Ron Graham at Access Ability praises the United Spinal Association for using Disability Employment Awareness Month to also raise awareness about the ADA Restoration Act.

Federal Policy: Quick Takes Oct 15 ’07, The Arc of North Carolina Policy Blog promises to soon have an “action alert” to start mobilizing support for the Senate version of the Restoration Act (S 1881), particularly among republicans.

Newest House Sponsors ADA Restoration blog, Oct 14 ’07. Lists the three most recent sponsors for the house version (HR 3195) of the Restoration Act. The total number is now up to 225, past the 218 majority needed to pass the bill in the house (though the senate is a different matter).

Update on Transcript Availability ADA Restoration blog, Oct 12 ’07. Congressional hearings were held on the ADA Restoration Act on October 4, and videos have been made available on line–but with no access to deaf people. The House Judiciary Committee apparently says they’re working on a transcript. The ADA Restoration blog is monitoring the situation and has indicated that they will update readers as soon as they learn more.

ASL Vlog the ADA Restoration PLEASE! Oct 11 ’07, ReunifyGally. Urges Deaf bloggers and especially vloggers in deafread.com to PLEASE! Consider writing your own blog post or creating your own ASL vlog video about the ADA Restoration Act! I’d be delighted to link to you! If you do this, please leave a comment somewhere on my blog with the exact URL for your post to make sure I’m aware of it.

ADA Restoration article in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct 11 ’07; the ADA Restoration blog reports that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has run a short article on the recent congressional hearings on the ADA Restoration Act.

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month Oct 10 ’07, the United Spinal Association is raising public consciousness of the ADA Restoration Act as part of October’s Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Letter to the Editor: Support restoration of disabilities act Oct 10 ’07, Burlington Press. Letter to the editor supporting the ADA Restoration Act.

Hearing on ADA Restoration Act Oct 9 ’07, the American Diabetes Association, among other things, reports on the recent congressional hearing on the ADA
Restoration Act and shares a link to details about the Stephen Orr court case.

ARC of North Carolina September Legislative Update
, Oct 9 ’07, the ARC of North Carolina Policy Blog. Discusses several different pieces of legislation, including a mention of the ADA Restoration Act (scroll down the page) and a listing of North Carolina represenatives who have signed on.

Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act Restoration Act of 2007 MS Activist, Oct 9 ’07. Summarizes the key point of the Restoration Act. Links to a recent “action” alert from the MS network. The action alert leads to a place where you can fill in, and send, a form letter to your congressional represenative. But if you are really want to make a difference in persuading your legislators to support the ADA Restoration Act, then I suggest you’d be better off going to the UnderRepresented site.

ADA Restoration Act Respects Deaf Culture Oct 8 ’07, ReunifyGally. Discusses how using the ADA to protect the rights of culturally Deaf people is, in my view, appropriate and consistent with a viewpoint that holds that being Deaf is not a disability.

Hearing Overview: Who showed up, what went down! Oct 8 ’07, ADA Restoration blog. Summarizes what happened at the October 4 congressional hearings on the ADA Restoration Act. The US Chamber of Commerce’s represenativeclaimed that the ADA should be only for the “truly disabled,” but someoneapparently had strong rebuttals for him.

National Disability Rights Network Urges Congress to Pass ADA Restoration Act, Oct 7 ’07, Waxahachie Daily blog. As the title says.

Give Orr a Break, Oct 6 ’07, ReunifyGally. The fourth in a series of stories about real court cases in which the courts undermined the intent and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These stories are presented here to help highlight why the ADA Restoration Act is important to Americans with Disabilities.

Contacting Your Legislators: Tool from United Spinal Assn, Oct 6 ’07, at ReunifyGally. I evaluate a new tool from the United Spinal Association meant to let you write a quick letter to all of your legislators with very little effort. In less than five minutes, you can send off a letter asking your congressional represenative, and your two senators, to support the ADA Restoration Act. It’s a nice tool for busy people who might otherwise not write at all, though I’m still partial to the similar tool from the UnderRepresented which takes only a few minutes longer but is likely to have a stronger impact with your legislators.

American Diabetes Association Urges Congress to Pass ADA Restoration Act, Help End Employment Discrimination Against Americans with Disabilities, Oct 5 ’07, Medical News Today. The content of this blog post is mostly similar to the one below.
American Diabetes Association Urges Congress to Pass ADA Restoration Act, Sergey’s blog, October 4 ’07. This blog post has one of the longest titles I’ve ever seen in my life: the FULL title actually says “American Diabetes Association Urges Congress to Pass ADA Restoration Act, Help End Employment Discrimination Against Americans with Diabetes Stephen Orr, fired for managing diabetes at work but whose claim was thrown out by the courts, testified Thursday before House Judiciary Subcommittee about his experience”

HR 3195 Oct 4th Update 218, Epilepsy Foundation eCommunities Forums, Oct 4 ’07. The Epilepsy Foundation praises the milestone in reaching 218 co-sponsors for the House version of the ADA Restoration Act (HR 3195).

Newest House Co-Sponsors Bring Total to 218! ADA Restoration blog, Oct 3 ’07. We now have 218 co-sponsors of HR 3195 in the House–enough for a majority vote. ADA Restoration encourages people to continue contacting your legislators.

Sesenbrenner and Hoyer Respond to Chamber Opposition! ADA Restoration blog, Oct 3 ’07. If you’ve been keeping track, then you know that the US Chamber of Commerce last month wrote a letter in opposition to the ADA Restoration Act. Congressmen Sesenbrenner and Hoyer have now responded.

Is the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 Good for Business? Oct 3 ’07 Chapter Advisor Forum. Explains the Restoration Act and the misinterpretations of the original Americans with Disabilities Act that the new legislation is meant to correct. Provides clear examples.

The ADA Restoration Act 2007 11 More? Oct 2 ’07, Midlife and Treachery. This blogger is impatient for 11 more co-sponsors for the Restoration Act.
207 and Counting! Oct 2 ’07, the ADA Restoration blog announces that we now have 207 co-sponsors for HR 3195 (the House version of the ADA Restoration Act) in the House. We need 218 to reach a majority so we can pass the Restoration Act in the House. Then the Restoration Act must also pass the Senate. See if your congressional represenative is one of the co-sponsors.

Sen. John Warner (VA) Replies Re: ADA Restoration, Oct 2 ’07, ReunifyGally. One of my senator replies to my multiple letters on the ADA Restoration Act. Not a terrible reply, but not exactly a commitment either.

Help Restore the Americans with Disabilities Act, Oct 1 ’07, Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2007. Sums up why the ADA needs to be rescued, how the Restoration Act is meant to help, and why we should get involved in passing the Restoration Act.
Qualified to Work = Disqualified from ADA Protection, at ReunifyGally Sept 29 ’07. Discusses a court case in which a woman with breast cancer is deemed unqualified for protection under the ADA in part because she argued that her breast cancer did not interfere with her ability to work a full time job. (Yes, the ADA was specifically meant to cover certain chronic health conditions including cancer.) The court essentially sent the message that if you’re qualified for the job then the employer can discriminate against you all it likes.

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Blog entries in September 2007
Hearing Scheduled in House Judiciary Committee at the ADA Restoration blog, Sept 28 ’07. Announces a hearing at the House Judiciary Committee Thursday, October 4 ’07, starting at 10 a.m. People who want to see the ADA Restoration get passed (and who can get to Washington, DC easily!) are encouraged to show. Follow the link for further details. It appears there will also be a webcast, though it is not clear what provisions have been made to make that webcast accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people.

Bravo for Congress, by Lynnskyi at Livejournal, Sept 27 ’07. Shares why she supports the ADA Restoration Act and explains, based on her personal experience, some of the consequences that can occur when disabled workers lack legal protection against discrimination.

Thinking Isn’t A Major Life Activity, Say Courts, ReunifyGally, Sept 20 ’07. Presents case story about Charles Littleton vs. Wal-mart, along with my snarky comments on it. Most striking quote from the court: “It is unclear whether thinking, communicating and social interaction are ‘major life activities’ under the ADA,” the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit stated.”

My Senator Casey Correspondence, Sept 19 ’07. If you scroll down far enough (or use the search feature, “control-F” to find the word “restoration” on the page) then you’ll see two letters that blogger Eligin Lee Baker wrote to US Senator Bob Casey to ask him to support the ADA Restoration Act of 2007.

Dancing around the issues: Ted Poe’s reply about the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. Sept 18 ’07, Access Ability blog. The blog author had written to his Texan Republican congressional represenative, Ted Poe, to ask him to become a co-sponsor of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. Poe’s response is disappointing; the author’s passionate blog post appeals for advice on how to follow up.

Employment, Autism, and the ADA Restoration Act, Sept 18 ’07, Easter Seals and Autism blog. Despite its title, this blog post is general enough to apply to pretty much anyone with any disability or chronic health condition–in short, anyone who was supposed to have been covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 but who can now be denied protection thanks to the destructive re-writing done by the courts. Links to resources that can help you learn more about the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 and why we need it.

Real People, Real Stories: Why We Need ADA Restoration, ReunifyGally, Sept 17 ’07. The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) has compiled stories of real Americans with disabilities who have been hurt by court decisions that make it unfairly difficult to be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, in complete violation of the original intent of the legislators who wrote the law. Here, I post the introduction to these case stories. The stories themselves follow in future posts.

Help for the ADA is on the Way, Sept 14 ’07 at Paotie’s Green Couch/Crumbling of Things. About how disability and deaf/hoh community has watched with distress as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 gradually lost its ability to protect the rights of Americans with disabilities. About how the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 is meant to restore the original intent of the ADA.

Indianapolis Bar Association Expresses Support for ADA Restoration, Sept 14 ’07, Day in Washington announces that the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Diversity Task Force has now come out in support of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. Follow the link to read the press release explaining why they support the bill.

New ADA Restoration podcast from Disability Nation, Sept 13 ’07, ADA Restoration Act blog. Follow the link if you wish to download an audio podcast from Disability Nation on the ADA Restoration Act; how it would impact people with disabilities; and what the US Chamber of Commerce has (erroneously) said about it. Or, alternately, you can read the transcript here at ReunifyGally.

ADA Restoration Petition from Diabetic Assn, Sept 13 ’07 ReunifyGally. Announces that yet another on-line petition is now available that asks legislators to pass the ADA Restoration Act, and includes a copy of the letter I sent using this form. This one is from the American Diabetic Association and is targeted only at your congressional representative, not your senators. Personally, I’m still partial to the on-line petitions at the UnderRepresented web site. But whether you use the form at the Diabetic Association or at UnderRepresented, you will, annoyingly, be obliged to UNcheck the box in order to let them know that, no, you do not wish to receive further emails from them.

Heart Poundingly Important: ADA Restoration, Sept 13 ’07 ReunifyGally. Kaaryn Sanon of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) generously sent me the transcript of a recent Disability Nation podcast that I posted here.

The names of the newest co-sponsors, Sept 13 ’07, ADA Restoration Act blog. We now have 196 co-sponsors; follow the link to see the 8 newest names.

NCD Urges Congress to Support ADA Restoration ADA Restoration Act blog, Sept 13 ’07. Follow the llink to see the letter from the National Council on Disability to Congress in support of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007.

More co-sponsors, Sept 11 ’07 The ADA Restoration Act blog announces that there are now 195 co-sponsors for HR 3195 in the House of Representatives. The names for the newest co-sponsors, however, are released two days later (Sept 13).

Miami librarian logs miles for disabilities awareness Garmin blog, September 11 ’07. A librarian in Miami who has MS is currently walking 1000 miles — the equivalent of the
distance between Miami and Washington, DC — to help raise awareness of
the ADA Restoration Act.

Debunking the Myths at DisabilityNation, Sept 9 ’07. This links to a podcast that reviews what the ADA Restoration Act is meant to do and how the US Chamber of Commerce has responded. As of Sept 10, the podcast is only available in audio form. But it seems that DisabilityNation does periodically write up transcripts of past podcasts, so this may be worth checking later in the month. (Or if you can help transcribe, then perhaps you could try contacting them to see if they would welcome some volunteer assistance.)

Podcasts on the ADA Restoration Act of 2007, Sept 9 ’07 at ReunifyGally. Links to two podcasts on the ADA Restoration Act, available in both audio and transcript form. One is the Sept 8 podcast referenced immediately below, the “MDA Telethon and ADA Restoration Update.” I also encourage readers to also look at their July 24 “Day in Washington #5″ podcast entitled “ADA Restoration Act” as this provides an excellent overview of what the ADA Restoration Act is about and why it is so urgently needed.

MDA Telethon and ADA Restoration Update at Day in Washington, Sept 8 ’07. Scroll down past the link to the audio file to see the transcript. The first three-quarters of this podcast is on the MDA telethon, but at the bottom you’ll see a few paragraphs on the ADA Restoration Act.

More about the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 at Access Ability. Sept 7 ’07. Informs readers about Road to Freedom, a bus tour that crosses the country to raise awareness about the ADA and about an upcoming Disability Nation podcast on the ADA Restoration Act.

Freedom Bus and ADA Restoration Act in Troy, New York, Road to Freedom blog, Sept 6 ’07. The Freedom bus has now visited 36 states and traveled more than 17,000 miles in its campaign to call upon Americans all over the country to support the ADA Restoration Act of 2007.

House Co-Sponsors Update. At the ADA Restoration Act blog, Sept 5 ’07. When Congress came back to session after the August recess, 7 of them became new co-sponsors for the House version of the ADA Restoration Act (HR 3195). Follow the link to see who they are–and to learn how YOU can help recruit the 20 additional legislators we need to reach a majority of the House of Represenatives.

Freedom Bus Welcomed in Rochester, New York, Road to Freedom blog, Sept 4 ’07. People who came to see the Freedom Bus display were encouraged to sign a petition in support of the ADA Restoration Act, which would allow the ADA to cover more people.

In the News: Albany, NY Road to Freedom Event, Road to Freedom blog, Sept 4 ’07. In continuing on with its year-long tour to raise awareness of the Restoration Act, the Freedom bus stops off in Albany to exhibit a multimedia display and history exhibit on the disability rights struggle.

Further Defense Against US Chamber of Commerce. At ReunifyGally, Sept 4 ’07. Another lawyer weighs in to explain why the US Chamber of Commerce is mistaken in the arguments it tries to use against the ADA Restoration Act.

Letters! Pictures! Stories! Fighting for Deaf and Disability Rights. At ReunifyGally Sept 4 ’07. Briefly reviews what the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 is about and encourages advocates like YOU to head over to the Laboring for ADA Restoration post at the ADA Restoration Act blog. Share with them YOUR letters, pictures, and stories about what YOU have been doing to advocate for the ADA Restoration Act.

Laboring for ADA Restoration at the ADA Restoration Act blog, Sept 4 ’07. Anne Sommers wants YOUR letters, pictures, and stories about what YOU have been doing to advocate for the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. This could include things you’ve been doing to contact your legislators, or things you’ve been doing to defend against the US Chamber of Commerce’s attack on the ADA Restoration Act. Send anything appropriate to aapdanne[AT]earthlink.net (change the [AT] to @ at sign).

We need your support, by Jake at MySpace, Sept 1 ’07. Appeals to people with epilepsy to support the ADA Restoration Act by appealing to their legislators.

Why the US Chamber of Commerce is Wrong, ReunifyGally Sept 1 ’07. Lawyer Randy Chapman explains why the arguments that the US Chamber of Commerce uses against the ADA Restoration Act are simply wrong. Are you a lawyer or an arm-chair law-hobbyist? Please help expand upon Randy Chapman’s arguments.

Learning About the ADA Restoration Act, ReunifyGally, Sept 1 ’07. Links to a page that has helpful resources for anyone who wants to learn more about the ADA Restoration Act. Includes a link to stories about real people and real court cases that have made it harder for Americans with disabilities to get protection for their rights under the law.

Best Tool for Contacting Legislators at ReunifyGally, Sept 1 ’07. Discusses why I like what I now consider to be the best tool I’ve found so far for contacting your legislators, over at the TheUnderRepresented blog. My main caveat: their mailing list is opt-out, not opt-in (meaning every time you send an email to a legislator from their site, you have to UNcheck the box asking for action alerts, or else you’ll get signed up).

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Blog entries in August 2007
Write Your Senators! at ReunifyGally August 31 ’07. On my use of a tool at the Epilepsy Foundation web site that makes it easier for you to write your Senators asking them to support the ADA Restoration Act. Includes the text of the email I sent via this tool.

US Chamber of Commerce Supports Discrimination! August 31 ’07 at TheUnderRepresented (a political advocacy web site for people with disabilities). The best tool I’ve found so far for helping you contact your legislators on the ADA Restoration Act. One link leads you to a page that guides you through contacting your two Senators. Another link leads you to a page that guides you through the same process for contacting your Congressional Represenative. It’s easy to personalize your message and otherwise boost the power of your email. One caveat: if you don’t want unsolicited email, then be sure to UNcheck the box asking to be put on their action alert list (you’ll have to do this each time you send an email via their site).

Protesting the Attack on the ADA, at ReunifyGally August 30 ’07. On what’s been happening over at the ADA Restoration Act blog regarding the attack from the US Chamber of Commerce on the ADA Restoration Act, with my own views on why it is critical that we respond.

Sample Letter to Chamber of Commerce at the ADA Restoration Act blog, Aug 30 ’07. Want to protest the US Chamber of Commerce’s attack on the ADA Restoration Act? At a loss what to write in your letter? Follow the link to see a suggested sample letter.

More Action Steps in Response to US Chamber of Commerce at the ADA Restoration Act blog, Aug 29 ’07. Advocates across the country have been starting to write letters of complaint to the US Chamber of Commerce regarding their opposition to the ADA Restoration Act (see my earlier blog post on this topic). The ADA Restoration Act blog points out that your letters to the US Chamber of Commerce can also serve double duty — if you send a copy of these letters (cc:) to your legislators, then it could serve as one more reminder to them that you care deeply about ensuring that the rights of people with disabilities (and Deaf people) are protected under the law.

My ADA Restoration Act Letters to Legislators, here at ReunifyGally August 30 ’07. On my use of the Easter Seals tool for sending letters to legislators, and the text of the emails I sent using it.

Are people with autism disabled enough to be protected by the ADA? at Easter Seals, August 30 ’07. Don’t be fooled by the title: it’s not really about autism. This post has links that let you look up who your congresional represenative and two senators are, and links that let you find out if any of them have co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. Yet another link leads you to Easter Seal’s form letter to your legislators asking them to co-sponsor the ADA Restoration Act. (If you hate opt-out vs opt-in mailing lists then be sure to uncheck the box that offers to send you regular emails from Easter Seals.)

ADA Restoration Opposition Arises at Day in Washington, August 28 ’07. Points to the letter from the US Chamber of Commerce opposing the ADA Restoration Act, and also points to the ADA Restoration Act blog.

Another Way to Track the ADA Restoration Act, here at ReunifyGally, August 28 ’07. Points to the technocrati search engine which has its own list of blog posts on the ADA Restoration Act. If you don’t seem to see anything recent there, try doing your own fresh search with the phrase “ADA Restoration Act.” Technocrati, for some reason, seems to turn up more results for this phrase than blogsearch at google, though it still seems to miss some.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 Reference Sites August 27 ’07, Ron Graham at the Access Ability blog has kindly encouraged his readers to check out both the ADA Restoration Act blog and also to come right here to see this running list of blog posts about the ADA Restoration Act of 2007. Thanks, Ron Graham.

Other ADA Restoration Act News, here at ReunifyGally August 27 ’07. Links to an old but clear post on the ADA Restoration Act that I thought was worth bringing attention to and announces the expansion of this list to include all posts at the ADA Restoration Act blog.

Calling All Lawyers: Defending Against the US Chamber of Commerce, here at ReunifyGally, August 27 ’07. On the recent attack from the US Chamber of Commerce on the ADA Restoration Act and why Deaf and disabled people should care. Also appeals to lawyers or law-hobbyists to help pick apart the US Chamber of Commerce letter to explain exactly why they are wrong. One lawyer did respond–but if you’d like to have a go at it too, then PLEASE DO.

Take Action: Chamber of Commerce Opposes ADA Restoration!! at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 27 ’07. Informs readers that the US Chamber of Commerce–cited here as the world’s largest business federation–has written a letter to the House of Representatives opposing the ADA Restoration Act. This blog post encourages readers to take action by complaining directly to the US Chamber of Commerce. SEE THIS POST for instructions how. The post also has a link to the letter from the US Chamber of Commerce so you can read it for yourself before complaining.

Paralyzed Veterans Have Sacrificed Enough for Their Country, at Vets First, August 26 ’07. Explains why disabled veterans should support the ADA Restoration Act and what they can do about it.

Finding All Blog Entries on the ADA Restoration Act of 2007, here at ReunifyGally, August 25 ’07. Basically announcing the creation of the page you’re reading right now. Also reminds everyone who writes a relevant blog post to come here and let me know so I can link to you also. I have found that the traditional sources (google and technocrati) don’t pick up on everything.

Intent of the ADA Restoration Act here at ReunifyGally, August 24 ’07. Links to, and talks about, a speech that Congressman Sensenbrenner delivered in March explaining why some Congressional representatives were then preparing to introduce the ADA Restoration Act.

Big changes in the political winds? at Ohio Employer’s Law Blog, August 23 ’07. Lists several pieces of legislation that may affect employers, of which the ADA Restoration Act is one. Claims that the ADA Restoration Act (and some of the others) would have “onerous consequences” for employers and collectively characterizes several pieces of legislation, including the ADA Restoration Act. Says most of the bills listed (possibly meaning to include the ADA Restoration Act) are “political rhetoric.” Does anyone here want to wander over to this blog and educate the author there about the true meaning of the ADA Restoration Act, particularly the supposed “onerous” burden on employers? If so, please tell us about it in the comments area below.

Mitigating Measures by “Andrea’s Buzzing About” August 23 ’07. READ THIS ONE. Satire and discussion of how court decisions have forced disabled people into the position of proving they are “disabled” according to the most extreme, narrow definitions, before they can legally be protected from discrimination.

Grassroots Update from Texas at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 22 ’07. Features an advocate from Texas who has sent emails to her two Senators in Texas.

Grassroots Update from Pennsylvania at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 22 ’07. Features a deaf advocate in Pennsylvania and the letters he wrote to his representative and senators about the ADA Restoration Act.

Ask Your Legislators to Cosponsor the ADA Restoration Act by Dennis Burbridge at Whatdoyouhearwhatdoyousay, August 21 ’07. Reminds readers that Congress is about to return from recess after labor day and urges readers to ask legislators to support the ADA Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007, here at ReunifyGally August 20 ’07, encouraging readers to keep themselves informed of what’s happening with the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 and get involved.

Save This Date by AccessAlaska on August 20 ’07, about the Road to Freedom Tour’s August 28 stop in Alaska. The Road to Freedom Tour is designed to bring attention to both the successes and the failures of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Freedom Riders Join in Marking of Graves at Minnesota Institution, Road to Freedom, August 19 ’07. Some people with disabilities never had a chance to benefit from civil rights legislation on their behalf because they lived out their lives, and died, forgotten, in institutions. Many were so profoundly dehumanized in both life and death that they have only a number, or nothing at all, on their gravestones. The Freedom Bus riders and Remembering with Dignity held a ceremony to honor hundreds of new grave markers for disabled people so they can once again be remembered, and named.

The Power of YOUR Words, here at ReunifyGally on August 19 ’07, on why it’s important not merely to sign a petition supporting the ADA Restoration Act but also to use the comments area to add your own thoughts.

Message from Rep. Ed Permutter (D-CO) re: ADA Restoration Act by A Liberal’s Hit List. Blogger Bret wrote to Rep. Permutter encouraging his support of the ADA Restoration Act and received this reply back.

In the News: Freedom Bus at Marquette, Michigan, Road to Freedom August 16 ’07. The Freedom bus is touring the country for one year to raise awareness on the ADA Restoration Act.

Urge Your Senators to Support the ADA Restoration Act 2007 by Stephen’s Blog, Aug 16 ’07. Explains why the ADA Restoration Act matters particularly to people with epilepsy, encourages people to write a letter to their Senator about the Senate version of the bill (S.1881) and points people to more resources including “talking points”.

Senator Tom Harkins Joins Freedom Bus, Road to Freedom, August 15 ’07. Senator Harkins of Iowa has a deaf brother and has been a loyal ally to the American disability community throughout his legislative career. The Freedom Bus has been touring the country since November to raise awareness of the Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 blog by Wheelie Catholic, August 12 ’07. Points readers to the ADA Restoration Act blog and shares some of the text that the Restoration Act might ammend to the original ADA.

Freedom Bus in Central Iowa, Road to Freedom, August 11 ’07. After 8 months of traveling to raise national awareness on the ADA Restoration Act, the Freedom buses arrive in Des Moines.

Grassroots Update from Portland, Oregon at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 10 ’07. Features the experience of two disability rights advocates in Portland, Oregon who may have had a role in helping persude district representative David Wu to become a cosponsor. The ADA Restoration Act encourages other advocates to share their own stories of “making a rumble” with phone calls, faxes, emails, or letters to your representatives or senators–follow the link to learn more.

Baseball For All: Freedom Bus at Veterans Memorial Stadium in Cedar Rapids, Iowa by the Road to Freedom Tour, August 10 ’07, about the Aug 10 ADA celebration and education event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

The ADA Restoration Act: In Need of Timely Support at Hall Institute of Public Policy New Jersey, August 9 ’07. This post points to a PDF file (117 KB) that includes quotes from various legislators and disability organizations on why we need the ADA Restoration Act.

The ADA At Seventeen: How’re we doing? by “Somewhat Equal…” August 8
’07. Differing perspectives on the original ADA and on the restoration

Advocacy Line, Part 2 by The Roving Activist’s Blog, August 7, ’07. Among other activism alerts, includes some information on the ADA Restoration Act.

10-minute Podcast Primer on ADA Restoration at the ADA Restoration Act blog August 7 ’07. Come here and take 10 minutes to listen to, or read, a podcast that delivers a quick “primer” on the need to restore th original intent of the ADA. I haven’t had time yet to read the podcast transcript for myself, but it looks like it should be worth checking out for people who want a better understanding of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 (HR 3195, S 1881).

Total Co-Sponsors before the Recess at the ADA Restoration Act blog August 6 ’07. Announces 181 cosponsors for HR 3195 (ADA Restoration Act) as Congress heads into their August recess. Encourages readers to use the recess to thank Congressional representatives from your state who have co-sponsored HR 3195 to date.

Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act is Marked by Introducing the ADA Restoration Act by People Profit Power, August 5 ’07. Do read this one, especially if you’re still new to the ADA Restoration Act. It gives a good overview of the history and rationale of the ADA Restoration Act, with particular attention to the House version of the bill (H.R. 3195) and what ordinary citizens can do about it (naturally: ask your representative to support H.R. 3195). Anyone with MS will be interested to know that the National Multiple Sclerosis Society supports the ADA Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 Blog, by Active Disability Advocacy, August 4, ’07. About the blogger’s attempts to persuade Representative Wally Herger, in the 2nd Congressional District of California, to support the House version of the ADA Restoration Act (H.R. 3195).

Restoring the Americans with Disabilities Act, here at ReunifyGally, August 4, 2007. On why I think the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 (HR 3195, S.1881) is important.

More photos from the press conference (07.26.07) at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 3 ’07. A few photos from the July 26 press conference at which the introduction of the ADA Restoration Act was formally announced.

More Co-Sponsors in the House! at the ADA Restoration Act blog, August 3 ’07, announcing 174 co-sponsors.

Your Rights as A Disabled American are Under Fire at Chronic Pain Lifestyle, August 3 ’07. Passes along some of the key information on the rationale behind the ADA Restoration Act from ADA Watch and with ideas for what you can do.

The Rape of the Americans with Disabilities Act at the Seven Hills, August 3 ’07. The title tells you a lot about the tone of this blog post, which describes how the courts have weakened the ADA. My main caveat is that the author tries to blame George W. Bush for this. I’m not exactly a Bush fan either, but one, his father is the person who signed the ADA into law in the first place and, two, the court attacks on the ADA began before any of Bush’s court cronies came onto the scene.

Dean Marks 17th Anniversary of ADA by Steve Goddard’s History Wire, August 2, ’07. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issues a statement supporting the ADA Restoration Act.

Freedom Bus at Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, Road to Freedom, August 1 ’07. The Freedom Bus is touring across the country to hold local events to raise awareness of the ADA Restoration Act.

Sensenbrenner Introduces Legislation to Restore Americans with Disabilities Act by Community News, August 1 ’07. On the introduction of the ADA Restoration Act.

Harkins introduces bill restoring his signature at eSight Community News, August 1 ’07. A good page to read for anyone who needs a basic review of what the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 is meant to do.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 by Living With Epilepsy, August 1 ’07. On why the ADA Restoration Act matters to anyone who lives with epilepsy–or any other condition that can be controlled, but not eliminated, with medications or assistive devices. Has a link you can follow to the Epilepsy Foundation where you can use their form letter to email your senators encouraging them to support the ADA Restoration Act (it’s easy to edit–so if you don’t have epilepsy, you can just delete references to epilepsy and replace them to references to whatever disability is more relevant for you).

Cosponsor Update – 12 More at the ADA Restoration Act blog August 1 ’07, announcing 165 co-sponsors in the House.

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Blog entries from July 26-31, 2007
New Co-Sponsors Added in the House at the ADA Restoration Act blog, July 31 ’07. Announcing that there were then 153 House co-sponsors of the ADA Restoration Act 3195.

Action Alert: Let’s Aim for 200 by Friday at the ADA Restoration Act blog, July 30 ’07. This first post at the on-going blog devoted to the ADA Restoration Act urges readers to take action in persuading more Congressional representatives to become co-sponsors of HR 3195. (As of August 27 ’07, there were 181 co-sponsors.)

ADA Updates? Should I Hold My Breath? at RSGeo-007, July 30 ’07. One deaf blogger’s opinions on what the ADA Restoration Act means to him.

The ADA: Past, present, and future at Easter Seals, July 30 ’07. This blog post is especially valuable for its links to a pair of reports on the Americans with Disabilities Act and some of the challenges that arisen in implementing it properly over the years. It makes note, of course, of how the courts have weakened its original intent.

Obama on Anniversary of Disability Act at Obama Mamas July 29 ’07. Senator Barack Obama releases this statement on the ADA, with reference to the ADA Restoration Act.

A journey through one man’s diabetes, at my-diabetes-blog, July 29 ’07. Describes how one man with diabetes, Stephen Orr, was fired for taking a medically necessary half-hour break each day during his 10-hour shift to eat lunch and keep his blood sugars regular. But the courts refused to even hear his case because they decided he “wasn’t disabled enough.” Worth reading, if you weren’t already aware of his case (it’s been reported elsewhere as well).

St. Louis welcomes freedom bus at Missouri History Museum, July 28 ’07, Road to Freedom. As the title says. The Road to Freedom tour will stop in 80 different locations across the United States to hold local events to raise awareness of the ADA Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act of 2007 is Introduced at Access Ability, July 28 ’07. Worth reading. Explains in simple, clear language how the courts have weakened the ADA by labeling workers “not disabled enough” to be protected by the ADA even when employers have declared them “too disabled” to be hired. Explains how the ADA Restoration Act is meant to halt the courts’ overly narrow interpretation of the ADA. It’s also worth following his link to an article in Government Technology entitled Americans With Disabilities Act Sees Possible Restoration After Seventeen Years.

Get your represenative to cosponsor the ADA Restoration Act at Celtic Vision, July 28 ’07. On how the courts have weakened the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how the ADA Restoration Act is meant to reverse that damage.

Forced to choose between treating their condition … July 27, ’07 by Tampa’s Back Door Ways. Posts a letter from Senator Tom Harkins on why the ADA Restoration Act was introduced.

My ADA Story July 27 ’07, by Leroy Moore, a self-described “black disabled man with a big mouth and a high I.Q.” points out that disabled people of color, poor disabled people, houseless people, and immigrants with disabilities could have told you years ago that the Americans with Disabilities Act needed fixing. So why did it take so long?

What Our Presidential Candidates say about the ADA July 27, Disabled Soapbox reports on what a few of the (democratic) presidential candidates have said about the ADA Restoration Act.

ADA Restoration Act July 27 ’07, the Tennessee Disability Coalition News Blog urges readers to contact their congressional represenatives and ask them to support the ADA Restoration Act. They include some suggested text that people could use in calling their represenatives.

Keeping the Promise: Introduction of the ADA Restoration on the 17th Anniversary, July 26, Road to Freedom. The Road to Freedom tour returns briefly to Washington, DC for the introduction of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 on the 17th anniversary of the original Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. “Road to Freedom” is a road tour designed to raise awareness of the ADA Restoration Act by stopping in 80 locations across the country to hold various local events.

Happy Birthday ADA July 26 ’07; Mary at My Space has posted the full text of some of the speeches made to celebrate the ADA or call for it to be restored.

Congress Moves to Amend the ADA! July 26 ’07, the American Foundation for the Blind points out that the courts have so severely weakend the current Americans with Disabilities Act that people with vision impairments may have been left vulnerable to discrimination from their employers. For example, someone who uses low-vision aids may be considered unqualified for protection under the ADA–even if an employer does, in fact, discriminate against them.

National Spinal Cord Injury Group Fully Supports Restoration of the Americans with Disabilities Act July 26. As the title says.

American Diabetes Association: ADA Restoration Act Vital to Protecting Individuals with Disabilities July 26. The American Diabetes Association supports the ADA Restoration Act.

An Important Anniversary for the Americans with Disabilities Act at the web site for Ohio Congressional Represenative Steve Black, July 26. His released statement in support of the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 being introduced that day.

Richardson Celebrates seventheenth Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act at NH Insider, July 26. Governor Bill Richardson notes the 17th anniversary of the ADA and urges US Congress to pass the ADA Restoration Act.

National Spinal Cord Injury Group Fully Supports Restoration of the ADA Act, A press release from the United Spinal Association, July 26 ’07. As the title says.

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Old (but good) blog entries from before July 26, 2007
This next one is older than I had meant for this list to include–but since Roblog was kind enough to alert us to it, here goes: ADA Restoration Act of 2007 coming soon by Roblog, July 22 ’07. On why the ADA Restoration Act matters to Deaf people and urging them to contact their Congressional representatives.

Freedom bus launches from Washington, DC, at Road to Freedom, Nov 15 ’06. Another blog post too old for my usual criteria. But I’m including it because the Road to Freedom has been an important tool for raising national awareness about the ADA Restoration Act. A project of ADA Watch and the National Coalition on Disabilities, this is a year-long road tour that will stop in 80 locations across the United States. If interested in more details, then browse around their archives.

Enabling the Americans with Disabilities Act April 15, 2007, Unbossed. Yes, that’s April 15, and that’s not a typo. Why am I linking to something so old? Because it’s worth reading. It explains why the Restoration Act is needed, and links to a speech by one of its authors. It’s a nice counterpoint to the fresh opposition that has cropped up against the legislation.

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How do I choose and organize blog posts for inclusion in this list?
The newest entries are listed at the top, the oldest at the bottom. In most cases I exclude blog posts from before July 26, 2007 (i.e., from before the ADA Restoration Act was introduced), and I exclude entries that merely point to other web pages without adding fresh content. And if someone specifically asks me to list a blog post they think is good–or that they wrote–then I probably would include it even if it doesn’t quite fit my usual criteria. Though, if it’s old, then I probably wouldn’t write a whole new blog entry to bring attention to it. At most, I’d just incorporate it into the list.

I have now included individual blog posts from the ADA Restoration Blog in the listing. But it’s also worth checking out the blog for yourself to see their links to resources and materials in the right hand navigation bar.

Did I miss YOUR blog post? Please use the comment area below to let me know. I’ll add it to the list. If your blog post is either new, or good, or both, then I might also post a new blog entry to help bring extra attention to it.

I hope more bloggers will jump in and add their own words, thoughts, insights, and inspiration to the rest. If you do–again, please post your link in the comment area here (or any other relevant place in my blog) to be sure that I don’t overlook it. I don’t care if you are Deaf, hearing, deaf, hard of hearing, blind, sighted, deaf-blind, able-bodied, a wheelchair user, a person with diabetes, a person with epilepsy, an Autistic person, someone who simply loves a person with a disability, someone who isn’t disabled but who teaches or works with people who do, or whoever you are. If you write a blog post about the ADA Restoration Act of 2007, I’m interested in linking to you.

Go forth and blog!

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15 Responses to “On the ADA Restoration Act of 2007”

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[…] On the ADA Restoration Act of 2007 […]

Hello. I’m not a blogger per se, but I have started a blog over on http://www.tabulas.com, username jajoehl_74, which is basically a diary for now but I hope to link to more disability-related resources in the near future. There doesn’t seem to be a direct link, at least not that I know of, so just type in my username and post a comment or three up there. I was born blind. I am all for the ADA Restoration Act. One thing that has really perplexed me and continues to do so, is the view taken by the National Federation of the Blind, on blindness itself. I mean, it’s perfectly fine for each individual person to feel a certain way about his or her visual impairment, but what the NFB does and has done for several years is gone against accommodations that truly do make a positive difference in our lives as people who are visually-impaired. They have gone so far as to pass legislation opposing such accommodations. Point your browser to http://www.nfb.org and read various issues of “The Braille Monitor,” and you’ll see what I mean.

I am David Ferleger, Philadelphia, PA. I write as a lawyer who has done disability law for decades, argued in the US Supreme Court five times, and who currently has an ADA case pending before the Supreme Court. http://www.ferleger.com

The ADA Restoration Act has been criticized for:

1. Changing the definition of disability by deleting the “substantially limits…major life activities” phrase in favor of the simpler “physical or mental impairment.” Result would allegedly be that, for example, anyone with reading glasses would be considered disabled for ADA purposes.

2. Reversing “rule” that employers determine the essential functions of a job.

3. Granting deference to federal government agencies, taking away judicial authority.

4. Expanding coverage to ADA Title III for access to public facilities.

It is too early to interpret the effect of the ADA Restoration Act, at least in this sort of informal discussion.

A few comments, however, are appropriate; these are numbered to correspond with the critiques above:

1. The “substantialy limits…major life activities,” as interpreted by the Supreme Court, has caused confusion and difficulty, and much conflict among the circuit courts and lower courts. I have a petition pending before the US Supreme Court, Littleton v Wal-Mart, Inc., No. 07-123, on behalf of Charles Littleton, a man with mental retardation, whom the court of appeals essentially held was not disabled. The core defiinitional issue in that case os on “major life activities” and the circuit courts are fractured. Thus, the current law has caused difficulty. The ADA Restoration Act seeks to ease that difficulty.

2. Courts have long both deferred to employers on essential job functions, and also been able to pierce pretextual definitions if employers were wrong or unreasonable or discriminatory.

3. Courts routinely defer, or give great weight, to the federal agencies charged by Congress with implementing federal laws.

4. The ADA covers public facilities. Having consistent rules across employment and public access is something that Congress reasonably seems to favor.

If anyone wants the Certiorari Petition on the above ADA issue, please feel free to email me at david@ferleger.com

David Ferleger

Check out Disability Works for another study about employment and people with disabilities. I just linked to it on my blog. http://www.disabilityworks.org/

Sunday, November 09, 2008
President (elect) Obama & Vice-President (elect) Biden,
The issue of providing access to government officials and government offices for Americans who happen to be deaf, must not be allowed to fall into the category of a “special interest”. This issue is NOT a special interest, it is a fundamental issue that says, as an American, who happens to be deaf, I have a right to have full access to everything that MY elected officials do and say in the execution of their duties. This means, providing TDD/TTY phone numbers for Americans who happen to be deaf, like your campaign and the Democratic National Committee failed to do throughout the entire election.
This means making it law that anytime an elected official appears in public, be it on television or an online video, everything he/she says MUST be captioned, without exception.
This means that every government office and every elected official, be it Federal, State or Local, must provide access to their American constituents who happen to be deaf.
This means that anytime an elected official appears in public, a Sign Language Interpreter MUST be present. If you held a rally and then someone came in and picked out some people and said, “you can’t listen to this speech”, you would be outraged, and rightly so — and not providing access for Americans who happen to be deaf, is tantamount to just that.
This means that every single PUBLIC service message MUST be captioned for Americans who happen to be deaf. By way of example, there has been a huge campaign lately on behalf of the American Lung Association, to encourage people to get flu shots. The spots are never captioned. They will not answer me when I ask why. But I know why — it is a matter of not wanting to spend the money to caption these ads. If this message is important enough to spend that kind of money to get the message out to Americans, isn’t it also important enough to spend a little extra to get the message out to Americans who happen to be deaf?
Your election, to the highest office in the land, sends a new, clear message to every American child who happens to be Black, that they too can achieve anything they set their mind to. Let your election also send a new, clear message that American children, who happen to be Deaf, can also achieve anything they set their mind to.
You told Republicans, “I will be your President too.” I need to “see you say” that you will be MY President, too.
So today I am posing a question to you: “Will you be MY President too?”
I have asked my own elected officials about this issue many times, for many years now. I have received an answer from only one of them who said, “it’s not my problem”. I plan to ask you this question every single day of your administration, until you tell me that you will address this issue. There are new ads out now on television, encouraging people to ask their elected officials whatever questions they might have, and DEMAND an answer. (The ads are not captioned.) This is what I plan to do — demand an answer.
Let me reiterate by saying, this is not a special interest issue. I’m not asking you to caption my favorite movie. I am asking for total access to my government; the access we afford everyone else.
Your campaign and the DNC failed every American, who happens to be deaf, this election year by not providing even one TDD/TTY line for us to contact you. Election Protection failed us by not having even one TDD/TTY line, so Americans who happen to be deaf, could get help understanding their rights as voters.
Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee failed us again. His first message to the American people after your election, was not captioned for Americans who happen to be deaf.
You know how disheartening it can be when you are excluded. Your lovely wife mentioned in an interview, how African-Americans have heard “no” for so long, they began to just expect that the answer would always be “no.” (I’m paraphrasing) So you can you imagine how Americans, who happen to be deaf, after standing in line for hours to vote for you – Americans like me, felt when they clicked on Howard Dean’s message and saw only his lips moving?
“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America – there’s the United States of America.”
But unfortunately, there is a “Hearing America” and a “Deaf America” Please help us end this disparity, forever, so that we too can join you in the task of moving America forward.
So I would like an answer to my question: “Will you be my President, too?”
S. Hayes

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