Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech #IranElection #gr88

Posted on 17 June 2009. Filed under: Advocacy | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Français; Español; Türkçe; Deutsch
I am neutral on the Iranian election. But I am very pro freedom of speech. Whether we agree or disagree with any given Iranian citizen, they ought to have the right to express their views. Here are simple ways you can help them defeat attempts at censorship in Iran:

1. Do you twitter? Change your twitter location to any city in Iran. If all of us are Iranians then it is a little harder for government censors to track down Iranian tweeters. (See list of Iranian cities at Some people say you should also change your time zone to Tehran time, which is 3.5 hours past GMT (GMT +3:30). Other people say the time zone is irrelevant. Decide for yourself.

2. Read a list of a few more simple ideas for how you can help at (This is the “BoingBoing” post for those of you who have been around enough to see it already. Also read 6 ways the Western World Can Support Iranian Activists at (Those of you looking for more ambitious ideas for how to be involved, read #4 and #5 below.)

3. Finished with #1 and #2 above? Recruit others to help too. Spread the word. Here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Tweet this phrase:

    Simple ways to help Iranian free speech: #IranElection #gr88 Pls RT

  • Also consider copy/pasting this announcement into your blog or facebook page so more people will see it. Or simply link to its original home at (If you copy/paste, please copy the text from its original home to ensure that you have any updated URLs or other information.)
  • Also, consider voting for this blog post ( at one or more of the following:,; ( That will help more people find it.

4. Looking for more ideas how to help? Consult This provides instructions on how you can set up your own proxy server to help Iranians blog more safely (easier than you might think, though with certain caveats which you will need to read at the link). It also has more tips for how to participate in global dialogue and mobilize support in a way that protects the safety of Iranian bloggers and tweeters.

But before you pass along information about your proxy server, make sure it is running correctly. Many proxy servers don’t help because they aren’t configured correctly. Learn more about potential problems and how to fix them at And test your proxy at

5. Are you bilingual? Please consider providing translation assistance so that people all around the world can learn about ideas for how to support free speech no matter what language they communicate in. For more details, go to

6. Want to follow the “tweets” about Iran? At, do a search for #IranElection or #gr88 These are the two official hash tags used by Iranian bloggers themselves. (Hash tags are used to help find tweets on specific topics). As the “boing boing” post says, do be on guard. Some tweets are very legitimate, but others are rumors, speculation, or even outright disinformation.

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68 Responses to “Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech #IranElection #gr88”

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Please spread the request:

Both Korean and Iranian Fans wear green in today Soccer game helding in Seoul, south koprea(12 hours from now)

Thank you, farazd.

Others, please do share additional ideas for how to help support freedom of speech in Iran (no matter what your opinion on the election results themselves).

Also, be sure to “Digg” this blog post at (if you don’t already have a Digg account then you would need to register before you can “Digg” this post–it only takes a minute to complete and there is no spam).

[…] Announcement copied from ReunifyGally: Whether we agree or disagree with any given Iranian citizen, they ought […]

Two great videos: #IranElection #gr88

Shame on you. This post adds nothing of value to the boing boing page. This is pure blogspam. Dick!

To Dave Galloway: thanks for the video links. Your comment had been temporarily caught by my spam filter (I think maybe because you had the two links in it) but I posted it. I was pleased to see that the first of your two video links has captions. But as a deaf person, I was disappointed to find that the second does not. Without captions to help me understand the spoken/auditory content, it is difficult to put any of the visual images into any kind of useful context do you know of a version of that video with captions?

To “eatme” — please note that this post not only links to the boing boing post but ALSO to the post that allow people to pursue more ambitious means of helping the Iranian people (including setting up their own proxy). In other words, the point of this post is to help people find two different important posts with instructions for helping rather than just one. Plus, because I allow people to copy/paste it elsewhere (including blogs or facebook pages), it allows people to support publicity efforts for these ideas with minimal effort so more people can become involved even if they don’t have a lot of time on their hands.

Also note that this is not really meant to be targeted at people who have been already reading all the blogs and tweets. It’s meant more particularly for people who are less familiar with events, or at least less familiar with twitter and how they can be involved.

dude, what u kno from freedom??? did u see the people with ahmadi najad???

of course u didnt, coz ur crappy media shows wot goverenment wants!

so get the **** out of here, or be Iranian the give ur opinion

RT: Iranians who need an unfiltered (but limited) access to twitter drop a line to #iranelection

Thanks a lot. Right now with the really slow net connection and even filtering of yahoo messenger( which most Iranian use)and even this site( word press has long been filtered and we always need to use proxies and all but as net connection s so slow these days, those tools we usually use do not work and I’m lucky right now that it is working!) and text messages being disabled and mobiles disconnected most of the time, communication has become even more difficult than ever! I thank you so much for your concern and this post.

changing your timezone in twitter does nothing, this is a myth that keeps getting circulated. Nobody but you can tell what your timezone is set to in twitter.

Set your location to somewhere in Iran, but don’t bother with the timezone. or do it for yourself if you like, but quit spamming twitter about it.

I think it is a good idea to popularize among the Iranian people some free software that they can use to communicate anonymously on the internet.

Keep it up guys- NO MORE AHMEDINEJAD!!!

Thank You for this information that i can utilize and share. @BrokePimpStyles

Hey. Thanks for sharing all of that information. Was watching the news this morning and am blown away.

If anyone would like to see some heartening beauty amidst the chaos in Iran,check out for a second.

Much Love to All…

I signed up at Twitter just so I can do this. This American Jew is wishing you success and praying for your safety, Iranians!

Twitter away, but don’t fool yourself about the amount of impact you’re having. Most Iranians do not have access to Twitter or even the Internet. And unless you’re tweeting in Farsi, you won’t be fooling the Iranian censors.

The sentiment is noble, but ultimately the only people who can ensure freedom of speech for the Iranian people are the Iranian people themselves.

[…] those in the West (Americans in particular), I think we should watch and help support (see Simple Ways to Help Iran), but we are not running the ship so to speak. This is not our protest or revolution. And we must […]

translation in French :

Je suis neutre concernant les élections iraniennes. Mais je suis très pro liberté d’expression. Que nous soyons en accord ou en désaccord avec n’importe quel citoyen iranien, ils devraient avoir le droit d’exprimer leurs points de vue. Voici des moyens simples pour les aider à vaincre les tentatives de censure en Iran:

1. Avez-vous Twitter? Changer votre emplacement twitter pour n’importe quelle ville en Iran. Si nous sommes tous Iraniens, il est sera plus difficile pour les censeurs du gouvernement iranien de traquer les tweeters. (Voir la liste des villes iraniennes à Certaines personnes disent que vous devez aussi changer de fuseau horaire pour celui de Téhéran, ce qui est de 3,5 heures après GMT (GMT +3:30). D’autres personnes disent que ce n’ai pas la peine : le seul changement de ville peut être efficace. Jugez par vous-même.

2. Voici une liste de quelques idées simples pour savoir comment vous pouvez aider à (Il s’agit du “BoingBoing” post pour ceux d’entre vous qui sont déjà assez au courant pour l’avoir déjà vu, ceux d’entre vous qui cherchent des idées plus ambitieux pour participer consulter

3. Terminé avec # 1 et # 2 ci-dessus? Pour aider à recruter d’autres aussi. Spread the word. Voici quelques façons dont vous pouvez faire:

* Tweet cette phrase: Moyens simples pour aider les Iraniens la liberté d’expression: # # IranElection Pls gr88 RT

* Il peut également être un copier / coller cette annonce dans votre blog ou votre page Facebook afin que le plus de gens possible le voit. Ou tout simplement un lien vers son site d’origine à (Si vous copier / coller, s’il vous plaît veillez à copiez le texte du site d’origine afin de ne pas avoir des URL mis à jour ou d’autres informations.)

* De plus, voter pour ce blog ( à un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants:,; ( Cela permettra de trouver plus de gens.

4. Vous cherchez d’autres idées pour vous aider? Consultez Cela donne des instructions sur la façon dont vous pouvez configurer votre propre serveur proxy pour aider les blog Iraniens avec plus de sécurité (plus facile que vous ne le pensez, mais avec certaines réserves que vous aurez besoin de lire en cliquant sur le lien). Il y a aussi des conseils pour savoir comment participer au dialogue mondial et mobiliser l’appui d’une manière qui protège la sécurité des bloggers iraniens et tweeters.

5. Êtes-vous bilingue? S’il vous plaît envisager de traduire ce texte dans une autre langue écrite. Laissez un lien dans le commentaire à afin que les autres peuvent en apprendre sur le sujet, et Tweetez le dans la langue cible. Ou si vous n’avez pas de place pour écrire une traduction, contactez-moi en utilisant les commentaires ci-dessous et je peux envoyer une traduction pour vous.

Si vous êtes ambitieux, s’il vous plaît envisager de faire traduire le texte à et / ou le texte à (Le premier de ces deux liens est court et facile. Le deuxième est beaucoup plus longue et plus technique. Ne traduisez pas la seconde, sauf si vous comprenez les ordinateurs. Il n’est pas bon de donner aux gens erronée des instructions sur la façon de mettre en place un proxy ordinateur !)

6. Vous souhaitez suivre les “tweets” de l’Iran (et de supporters ailleurs)? À, faire une recherche pour IranElection # ou # gr88 Ce sont les deux balises de hachage utilisée par les blogueurs iraniens eux-mêmes (hash tags sont utilisés pour aider à trouver des tweets sur des thèmes spécifiques). Comme le “boing boing” post l’indique, restez sur vos gardes: bien que certains des tweets sont légitimes, certains peuvent donnerde la désinformation. Plus, il ya l’habituel mélange de réelles informations et de rumeur et de spéculation. Mais les gens postent parfois des liens vers de bonnes nouvelles histoires ou de nouvelles vidéos et photos venues d’Iran.

Since the French and Spanish translations were already done, I did the Turkish translation:

İran Seçimleri İçin Cyberwar Rehberi

Yishay diyor ki: “Cehenneme giden yol en iyi niyetlerle(benimki de dahil) döşenmiş. İran hükümetine değil protestoculara nasıl yardım edebileceğini öğrenin”

Bu rehberin amacı Twitter üzerinden İran seçim protestolarına yapıcı katkıda bulunmanızı sağlamaktır

1. Twitter üzerinden proxy IP’lerini duyurmayın, ve özellikle de #iranelection hashtag(etiket)’ini kullanmayın. Güvenlik kuvvetleri bu hashtag’i izlemekte, ve bir proxy IP adresi buldukları anda o adresi İran’da engelleyecekler. İranlı blog yazarları için yeni proxyler yaratıyorsanız @stopAhmadi veya @iran09’a doğrudan mesaj atın, oradan proxleriniz ihtiyatlı bir şekilde İran’daki blog yazarlarına ulaştırılacak

2. Hashtag’ler (etiketler), İran’li blog yazarları tarafından kullanılan geçerli iki hashtag #iranelection ve #gr88’dir, diğer hashtag’lerin etkisiz olabileceği düşünülüyor.

3. Saçmalıktan sakının! Güvenlik kuvvetleri İranlı protestocular olarak twitter hesapları yaratıp kasten yanlış haberler vermeye başladılar. Lütfen her şeyi düşüncesizce tekrarlamayın, Bir yazıyı tekrar aktaracaksanız (“retweet” yapacaksanız) öncesinde bilginin doğruluğunu güvenilir kaynaklarla kontrol edin. Uygun kaynakları bulmak ve takip etmek çok zor değil.

4. Blog yazarlarını korumaya yardım edin: Twitter ayarlarınızı yer: Tahran ve time zone (zaman dilimi): GMT +3.30 olacak şekilde değiştirin. Güvenlik kuvvetleri blog yazarlarını yer ve zaman dilimini arayarak bulmaya çalışıyor. Hepimiz “İranlı” olursak onları bulmaları zorlaşacaktır.

5. Kimseyi açığa vurmayın! Sahici bir kaynak bulursanız, o kişinin isim veya yerini lütfen başka bir web sitesinde açıklamayın. Bu blog yazarları HAKİKİ tehlike altında. Kendi şebekenizde ihtiyatlı bir şekilde bilgiyi yayın, fakat güvenlik kuvvetlerine yol göstermeyin. Ve lütfen unutmayın ki insanlar orada hayatlarını kaybediyor.

I’m currently working on the Japanese translation, but that might take some time.

[…] as another blogger said, “I am very pro freedom of speech. Whether we agree or disagree with any given Iranian […]

Thanks! Just made a Twitter account and set my location to Tehran.

Will you please tell people to STOP advertising that they’ve changed their location in Twitter. It’s real easy for ‘them’ to go back through your posts and see you’ve tweeted about the change. You’re just saving them a bunch of investigation time if you announce it.

[…] ReunifyGally gibt in ihrem Text “Einfache Wege, den Iranern zu freier Meinungsäußerung zu […]

1. When translating this post (and MANY THANKS to those of you who have done this so far), please also translate the title so I know what title to give it!

2. Also consider translating a short tweet about it, something like this “Simple ways to support free speech in Iran ____ #IranElection #gr88” with a space for an abbreviated version of the URL and the appropriate hashtags — if you know of more appropriate hashtags for the target language you’re translating into (is there a different set of hashtags for Iranian stuff in French, Spanish, Turkish, etc) then please supply those also. That way, the new translation can be tweeted in the appropriate language to attract tweet readers in that language.

3. You are welcome to host alternate languages at your own blog, if you have one. In fact it would be a plus if other people can help in this way because I am not always able to keep checking this blog for new translations for me to post. My most active on-line hours are from about 10 or 11 pm GMT to 2 or 3 am GMT. The rest of the time I am usually either sleeping or working and may be unable to copy/paste translations into my blog. If someone else can post a translation (even if a translation by someone else), then please do, and post the relevant URL here. That will get it up to the web faster!

Thanks to all who have been helping so far!

I have not seen a Spanish translation — I only see a French and a Turkish translation here (and will look forward to the Japanese!)

Translation in Portuguese:

Yishay sez,”O caminho para o Inferno é pavimentado com as melhores intenções (inclusive as minhas). Aprenda como realmente ajudar os protestantes e não o governo do Irã”

O propósito desse guia é te ajudar a participar construtivamente dos protestos das eleições no Irã através do Twitter.

1. NÃO torne público IPs de proxy no twitter, sobretudo usando a hashtag #iranelection. Autoridades de segurança estão monitorando essa hashtag e no momento que eles identificam um proxy eles o bloqueiam. Se você estiver criando novos proxies paras os blogueiros iranianos, mande uma DM para ele para @stopAhmadi ou @iran09 e eles iram distribuir discretamente para os blogueiros no Irã.

02. Hashtags: As duas únicas legítimas sendo usadas pelo blogueiros do Irã são #iranelection e #gr88 , ao usar qualquer outra hashtag corre-se o risco da conversa ficar diluída.

3. Tenha bom senso! Autoridades de segurança estão fazendo contas no twitter para espalhar informações falsas ao se passarem por manifestantes iranianos. Por favor, não RT sem pensar, tente confirmar a informação através de fontes confiáveis antes de passar adiante. As fontes legítimas não são difíceis de serem achadas e de seguidas.

4. Ajude a esconder os blogueiros: mude suas configurações no Twitter para que mostre sua localização como TEHRAN e seu fuso horário como GMT +3.30. Autoridades de segurança estão procurando por blogueiros que usam essa localização e fuso horário. Se todos nós nos tornarmos ‘Iranianos’ será muito mais difícil para achá-los.

5. Não revele a verdadeira identidade deles! Se você descobrir uma fonte real, por favor, não torne público o nome ou localização um website. Esses blogueiros estão correndo PERIGO. Espalhe a mensagem discretamente através da sua própria rede de contatos, mas não os entregue para as autoridades de segurança. As pessoas estão morrendo lá, pra valer, por favor, lembre-se disso…

Translation in Portuguese:

Simples maneiras de ajudar a liberdade de discurso iraniana.

Yishay sez,”O caminho para o Inferno é pavimentado com as melhores intenções (inclusive as minhas). Aprenda como realmente ajudar os protestantes e não o governo do Irã”

O propósito desse guia é te ajudar a participar construtivamente dos protestos das eleições no Irã através do Twitter.

1. NÃO torne público IPs de proxy no twitter, sobretudo usando a hashtag #iranelection. Autoridades de segurança estão monitorando essa hashtag e no momento que eles identificam um proxy eles o bloqueiam. Se você estiver criando novos proxies paras os blogueiros iranianos, mande uma DM para ele para @stopAhmadi ou @iran09 e eles iram distribuir discretamente para os blogueiros no Irã.

02. Hashtags: As duas únicas legítimas sendo usadas pelo blogueiros do Irã são #iranelection e #gr88 , ao usar qualquer outra hashtag corre-se o risco da conversa ficar diluída.

3. Tenha bom senso! Autoridades de segurança estão fazendo contas no twitter para espalhar informações falsas ao se passarem por manifestantes iranianos. Por favor, não RT sem pensar, tente confirmar a informação através de fontes confiáveis antes de passar adiante. As fontes legítimas não são difíceis de serem achadas e de seguidas.

4. Ajude a esconder os blogueiros: mude suas configurações no Twitter para que mostre sua localização como TEHRAN e seu fuso horário como GMT +3.30. Autoridades de segurança estão procurando por blogueiros que usam essa localização e fuso horário. Se todos nós nos tornarmos ‘Iranianos’ será muito mais difícil para achá-los.

5. Não revele a verdadeira identidade deles! Se você descobrir uma fonte real, por favor, não torne público o nome ou localização um website. Esses blogueiros estão correndo PERIGO. Espalhe a mensagem discretamente através da sua própria rede de contatos, mas não os entregue para as autoridades de segurança. As pessoas estão morrendo lá, pra valer, por favor, lembre-se disso…

[…] Recent Comments JacobR on Help Iranian Free Speech: Tran…Gloria on Simple Ways to Help Iranian Fr…Gloria on Simple Ways to Help Iranian Fr…DulceJuana on Help Iranian Free Speech: Tran…Andrea Shettle, MSW on Simple Ways to Help Iranian Fr… […]

hi i am an iranian, and thanks for your concerns. but seriously there are problems in iran right now that none of you can help about. text messaging is unabled via government since the election results were reported. troops and cops cover all the streets and beat people whenever they want. they even attacked several university and their students. cell phones in iran and half the phones of tehran city are not available. internet is totally censored and filtered. international news websites, and even mail providers like yahoo and gmail are unavailable. whats more ive heard that all foreign (and internal, ofcourse) reporters are officially prohibited to send news about iran’s situation from the inside. and since people used messengers as a system to organize their protests, now messengers are filtered too. to tell the truth, all connection ways between iranian people are closed. i guess the one thing that helps is finding bette ways to pass filters!

Here is the German translation:


Einfache Wege der iranischen Meinungsfreiheit zu helfen #IranElection #gr88

Ich stehe der iranischen Wahl neutral gegenüber. Aber ich bin sehr Pro-Meinungsfreiheit. Ob wir nun mit irgendeinem iranischen Bürger übereinstimmen oder nicht, sie haben ein Recht ihre Sichtweisen auszudrücken. Hier sind einfache Wege, wie man ihnen helfen kann, Zensur im Iran zu bekämpfen:

1. Twitterst du? Ändere deine Twitter-Location auf irgendeine Stadt im Iran. Wenn wir alle Iraner sind, ist es ein bisschen schwerer für die Regierungszensoren iranische Tweeter aufzuspühren. (Siehe die Liste iranischer Städte hier Einige raten auch, dass du deine Zeitzone auf Tehran ändern solltest, welches 3,5 Std. nach GMT (GMT +3:30, bzw. +2:30 Berliner Zeit) ist. Andere sind der Meinung, dass die Zeitzone irrelevant ist. Entscheide selbst.

2. Lies eine Liste mit ein paar mehr Ideen, wie du helfen kannst, hier (Dies ist der “BoingBoing”-Beitrag für all jene unter euch, die schon lang genug dabei sind um es bereits sehen zu können; all jene unter euch, die nach ambitionierteren Ideen suchen sich einzubringen, sollten oder konsultieren; siehe Nr. 4 und Nr. 5 weiter unten)

3. Fertig mit Nr. 1 und Nr. 2 oben? Rekrutiere andere auch zu helfen. Verbreite die Nachricht. Hier sind ein paar Wege dies zu tun:

– Tweete diesen Satz:
Einfache Wege der iranischen Meinungsfreiheit zu helfen: #IranElection #gr88 Pls RT

– Erwäge auch diese Ankündigung in deinen Blog oder auf deine Facebook-Seite zu kopieren, damit noch mehr Leute sie sehen. Oder verweise einfach auf die Original-Seite hier (Wenn du kopierst, kopier den Text von der Originalquelle um sicherzustellen dass du alle aktualisierten URLs oder andere Informationen übernimmst.)

– Erwäge ebenfalls für diesen Blog-Beitrag zu stimmen ( bei einem oder mehreren der folgenden Dienste,; ( Das wird noch mehr Leuten helfen es zu finden.

4. Suchst du nach mehr Ideen zu helfen? Besuche Dort gibt es Informationen dazu, wie du einen eigenen Proxy-Server aufsetzen kannst, um den Iranern sicheres bloggen zu ermöglichen (leichter als du denken magst, dennoch mit gewissen Hürden verbunden, zu denen du den Link lesen solltest). Es hat auch weitere Tipps wie du am globalen Dialog teilnehmen und Unterstützung, durch Schutz der Sicherheit iranischer Blogger und Tweeter, organisieren kannst.

5.: Bist du mehrsprachig begabt? Erwäge bitte Übersetzungsunterstützung anzubieten, damit Leute rund um die Welt, von den Ideen wie man Meinungsfreiheit unterstützen kann, erfahren können, unabhängig von ihrer Sprache in der sie sich mitteilen. Für weitere Einzelheiten gehe nach

6. Willst du den Tweets über den Iran folgen? Auf suche nach #IranElection oder #gr88. Dies sind die 2 offiziellen Hash-Tags die von iranischen Bloggern selbst verwendet werden. (Hash-Tags werden benutzt um Tweets zu bestimmten Themen zu finden.) Wie der “boing boing”-Beitrag anspricht: Sei auf der Hut. Einige Tweets sind durchaus legitim, aber andere sind Gerüchte, Spekulation oder auch regelrechte Desinformation.

[…] more ideas at Reunify Gally […]

[…] of Things To Do, and Other Things To Do. In particular, some relevant Facebook groups: IRAN, Tell Mahmoud Ahmadinejad he’s full of […]

I have a website which may be of help to Iranian bloggers

“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”
Here’s to a snowstorm in Iran!!!

[…] Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech […]

Here’s a really good way to help. Take a look at You can call the government in Iran direct and make your voice heard.

Iran seems to be already won:

Iran is won, it is only a matter of time.

Excellent news.

HHopefully they can oust this regime and not replace it with another.

Excellent post. I will do as much of these as I can.

[…] This site is for those who want to do simple things online to help the protestors , like relocate your […]

Enkla sätt att du kan hjälpa iransk yttrandefriheten

Jag är neutral på det iranska valet. Men jag stöder yttrandefrihet. Om vi är overens eller inte med folket i Iran, de har rätt att utrycka sina åsikter. Här är några enkla sätt att du kan hjälpa dem att besegra försökt censuren i Iran.

1. Twitter du? Ändra platsen för din Twitter konto till någon stad i Iran. Om alla användare är iranier det är svårare för censurerar att hitta iranska konton. (Hitta en lista över iranska städer på Vissa säger att man skulle också ändra sin tidszon till Teheran tid, som är GMT +3:30. Andra säger tidszon är irrelevant. Bestäm själv.

2. Läs en lista över hur enkla idéer kan hjälpa till på Om du vill ha mer ambitiös sätt för att engagera sig, rådfråg eller; och #4 och #5 som anges nedan).

3. Har du gjort #1 och #2 som anges ovan? Rekrytera andrar för att hjälpa också. Sprid ordet. Här är några sätt som man kan hjälpa till:

– Tweet den här phrase;
Enkla sätt att du kan hjälpa iransk yttrandefrihet: #IranElection #gr88 Pls RT

– Kopiera och klistra in den här tillkännagivande på din blog eller facebook-konto så mera folk kan läsa det. Eller länk till originalkällan på (Om kopierar och klistrar in du det, snälla kopiera texten från originalkällan för att se till att ditt inlägg har uppdaterade URLs och nya uppgifter).

4. Vill du ha mera sätt att hjälpa till? Rådfråg eller Dessa webbplatser ger instruktioner för att sätta upp din egen proxyserver för att hjälpa till iranska bloggare att blogga säkrare. (Den är enklare än du tror, men med vissa varningar som man kan läsa på första webbplatsen). Det har också säkerhetstips för hur du kan delta i den globala dialogen och mobilisera stöd på ett sätt som skyddar säkerheten för iranska bloggare och Twitter-användare.

5. Är du tvåspråkig? Snälla överväg att leverera översättning bistånd, så att manniskor i hela världen kan lära sig om sätt att bidra till att stödja, oavsett vilket språk de talar. För mera, gå på

6. Vill du följa tweets om Iran? På, sök på #IranElection eller #gr88. De här är den två officiella hash-taggar som är används av iranska bloggare sig själva. (Hash-taggar är används att hjälpa till hitta Tweets om specifika ämnen). Var på din vakt. Några Tweets är mycket berättigade, men andrar är rykten, spekulationer eller ren desinformation.

[…] Más ideas en Reunify Gally. […]

Nice effort, though a little too rough for
those not affiliated with Internet and usual
“hacking” devices.
Anyhow, freedom of speech is something to be
protected as precious, as well as that it
should be remembered that freedom of speech
is not endangered only in Iran or solely in
dictatorships but also in countries of the
so called advanced world (such as the
“Auschwitzlüge” thought crime in Italy, Austria
Germany and other Mid Europe countries).
That is to say there is a wave of
solidarity coming from all countries where
freedom of speech is by any means restrained.

Thanks for the space and time

[…] Jacob 69er: Photo source. See also these posts here and here. […]

[…] Más ideas en Reunify Gally. […]

This is the FB Cause page for Americans in Support of the Iranian Green Revolution

[…] out Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech. See if there’s something that suits you […]

[…] this forum and this post for ways to show support. Categories Select Category adventures  (23) […]

[…] Qualche idea su come è possibile supportare la libertà di parola in Iran: […]

ali khameneyi is despot

World need more good vision for Iran

Dear Neda! I am pride more then ever on your courage! You are the first woman-myrter of our movement!
I get back your flowed blood with the last drop of my blood!
This is the end station of my life! I am more stronger then yesterday! Now that you are not under us, I have nothing to lose! Just my life that I spend in the way of our movement….
I deliver on my promise! You will see!
Your brother Ali

[…] This seems like a good idea for Twitterphiles: […]

[…] fra, med opfordring på at kopiere og sende det videre. Hvis man følger med på Twitter er linket til […]

[…] Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech […]

thank you for this info. I changed ny location and time zone . I also added this page link to my facebook.

Tell Obama to wear the green ribbon in support of the Iranian Revolution!

[…] the Iranian Revolution Via Volokh comes this list of things you, as everyday Americans, can do to help the Iranian people struggling for freedom (or their version of […]

change your facebook network to iran its much more important than twitter!!!!!!

[…] Posts Simple Ways to Help Iranian Free Speech #IranElection #gr88Obama for People with Disabilities, Deaf PeopleHelp Iranian Free Speech: Translation Help Needed […]

I was shocked to hear what happened in the prison and believe every word of it!I think he is the bravest guy in the world and a great survior!

Unfortunately – in this crisis no matter who wins Iran, democracy and freedom loses…

Mousavi and Ahmedinejad are cut from the same radical, Islamist cloth.

I do live in Iran and I have lots of ideas but I need money to go ahead.

In der Tat ein guter Kommentar. Ich söllte mehr besuchen 😉

Also ich vermute dies ist eh nur eine Mode

[…] more ideas at Reunify Gally […]

Господа, переходите в Супер Слотс казино, которое существует в гемблинг индустрии уже более 5 лет.

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